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  • Plugin Author TC.K


    No I afraid it is not.
    I never used polylang, and I don’t know how the plugin works. Maybe you should consult with the Polylang developer regarding this issue.

    Thread Starter Dneiz



    Thanks for your reply.

    The plugin is working fine, but there is only an issue with the submit form.

    For example.
    The searchform is submitting to

    It should submit to (when english website is active)

    Thats the whole problem.

    The normal search of wordpress is working fine.

    Plugin Author TC.K


    That’s is the problem, the plugin use the wp default search function to works.
    If you don’t want the result redirect to other page, you should try use Ajax result template instead.

    Thread Starter Dneiz


    The Ajax version is showing the same results. So I see the dutch and english items.

    The results should be only the products of the selected language.

    Do i need to add an language query in functions?

    Somehwere here?

    add_filter('uwpqsf_result_tempt', 'customize_output', '', 4);
    function customize_output($results , $arg, $id, $getdata ){
         // The Query
                $apiclass = new uwpqsfprocess();
                 $query = new WP_Query( $arg );
            ob_start();    $result = '';
                // The Loop
            if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
                while ( $query->have_posts() ) {
                                    echo  '<li>'.get_permalink().'</li>';
                            echo  $apiclass->ajax_pagination($arg['paged'],$query->max_num_pages, 4, $id);
             } else {
                         echo  'no post found';
                    /* Restore original Post Data */
            $results = ob_get_clean();


    Plugin Author TC.K


    Well, this is out of my plugin scope. It depends on the polylang plugin.

    Hello) have somebody got answer?

    Thread Starter Dneiz


    Hi vokshirg, did you solved your issue already?

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