• Resolved steerpike58


    I have a self-hosted site – XYZ.com. I have a WordPress.com site / account ABC.wordpress.com.

    I’ve installed Jetpack plugin to XYZ.com, and tied the account to the ABC.wordpress.com account.

    When I visit ABC.wordpress.com, I can see XYZ.com as a ‘site’ to manage. Great!

    But when I click on XYZ.com, I’m simply taken to XYZ.com and I can’t use the (eg) Media tool to load google images – that’s the ‘local’ media tool at XYZ.com, which doesn’t have the jetpack extensions.

    Now, I STUMBLED across the fact that I can type in this url: https://ABC.wordpress.com/media/XYZ.com – and boom – I am ‘managing’ XYZ.com’s media FROM ABC.wordpress.com, and thus, can use the google photos integration. (I figured this out by chance looking at a screenshot on random web post!).

    But how do I do this other than by typing in the url above manually? Every attempt to use a link or icon or whatever on the ‘sites’ page simply takes me to the target XYZ.com site, and thus not getting the ‘extras’ available when using the ABC.wordpress.com site.

    Hope this makes sense! I’m so close but really need to be able to do this without typing in the URL each time!

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  • Plugin Support Ajay Kumar Jain (a11n)


    Hi @steerpike58, thank you for your patience!

    You can click the Stats icon in the list of sites in your WordPress.com account to access and manage that site using the WordPress.com interface.

    Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can help with anything.

    Plugin Contributor Stef (a11n)


    Hi there, @steerpike58,

    Do you still need help? We usually close inactive threads after one week of no movement, but we want to make sure we’re all set before marking it as solved. Thanks!

    Thread Starter steerpike58


    I don’t consider it ‘solved’ because I can’t imagine that clicking on ‘stats’ is the only, or the intended, way of navigating. But it does work so I can get by with it. SURELY there’s a more obvious way to navigate?

    Plugin Contributor Stef (a11n)


    Hi there, @steerpike58,

    But it does work so I can get by with it. SURELY there’s a more obvious way to navigate?

    I am trying to visualise the flow you’re taking when you<b> can’t</b> land on the Media Gallery of your self-hosted site (with Jetpack) from the WordPress.com dashboard. I wonder if there’s any design/layout gap we missed, and I would like to replicate it on my end.

    I trusted you checked this documentation page on activating the Google Photos featire in Jetpack: that said, can you share the steps you are taking? You can share screenshots if that helps. You can create screenshots using something like Snipboard or Imgur and post the link here.

    If you want to remain private, given the anonymous examples in your first message, you can contact us via this contact form and mention this thread. Look forward to your reply!

    Thread Starter steerpike58


    Stef – thanks for following up and sorry for the delay in responding. Let’s try this:

    1. I sign in to my wordpress account at https://www.wordpress.com .
    2. I am presented with a list of my sites. These include the site hosted at wordpress.com, and my self-hosted site that has the jetpack plugin installed. This discussion focusses on the self-hosted site that has jetpack installed.
    3. On that page, I see headers ‘Site’, ‘Plan’, ‘Status’, ‘last published’, ‘stats’, and ‘actions’.
    4. Under ‘actions’, there’s an option for WP Admin, but that takes me to the NATIVE WP Admin for my site. If I click on ANY of the entries under the columns mentioned above, I’m also taken to the NATIVE WP Admin for my site. But – if I click on the entry for ‘Stats’ I’m taken to the admin for my site, BUT – it’s the wordpress.com admin. Url shows: https://wordpress.com/stats/day/<mySite>. And from there, I can click on ‘Media’, and see the media tab with Jetpack options (because the ‘admin’ is coming from the wordpress site, not my self-hosted site).
    5. All I want to know is – how ‘ELSE’ can I get to that same admin panel, other than by clicking on the ‘stats’ entry in the grid?
    6. As I said – I STUMBLED across the fact that I can type https://wordpress.com/media/<mySite&gt; – but it’s not customary to expect people to enter complex URLs these days – SURELY there is a navigation method ‘somewhere’ – a place to click and be taken to the media tab.
    7. I’m happy to share screenshots with you showing specifics, but you’ll need to reach out to me at my email address.

    Plugin Contributor Stef (a11n)


    Hi there, @steerpike58,

    Thanks for the thorough step-by-step walkthrough of the flow you too – that suffices so well that I don’t need screenshots ??

    The good news is that we are aware of this UX flow, and we have already reported it to our Design team who is aware of the feedback. They don’t currently have an ETA to adjust that, but we’re confident this is going to change and be improved.

    The bad news is that we don’t have an alternative at the minute, so until that gets better, you will need to click on the Stats area to access the Jetpack dashboard from your My Sites main page. I know it hurts!

    Hope that helps ?? Please let us know if you have any further questions or doubts, and we’re happy to assist you.

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