• I will preface this post by saying that I have very little experience with WP and very little technical knowledge about blogs in general.

    My goal is to develop a blog that can be updated by any computer on our Intranet, but which is not accessibly via the Internet.

    I have followed instructions such as these to install XAMPP Lite on my machine and then WP:


    I have no problem installing WP on my machine. My problem is that I am unable to view my WP blog from other computers on my Intranet. The text shows up, but the images and formatting do not.

    Does this have something to do with MySQL permissions? Again, I know very little about this. Any help you could give me would be most appreciated.

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  • This would probably have something to do with the permission of the file structure of your WordPress isntallation, and probably not the database.

    Since you’re running this on a Windows PC, I would suggest you start by making sure all of your permissions have been set correctly.

    See here: Changing File Permissions

    Thread Starter petersoni


    Thank you for your quick response. I have read the permissions page you linked to, and I am confused about one thing: how can I set permissions if the files are located on this computer (i.e., and not on a server)?

    I have gone through and made every file in the wordpress folder read and write capable, but that doesn’t seem to help at all.

    I wouldn’t recommend it for production, but while you are testing it you can set them all to read write like so:

    1. Right click on the top-level wordpress folder. Choose Sharing & Security.
    2. Click Security Tab.
    3. Click Add
    4. Type “Everyone” and click “Check Names” then OK
    5. With Everyone selected, click Full Control
    6. then click Advanced
    7. Check the box for “Replace permission entries on all child objects…

    This should reset them all to read/write by everyone. Not recommended for production, but it should get you up and running.

    Thread Starter petersoni


    Thanks for the quick response brockangelo. Sadly, my “Sharing and Security” window does not have a “Security” tab. I tried changing the read only settings by right clicking on the folder, but alas even when I try to change it and click “Apply” it doesn’t work. I have tried making it read only using attrib and the command line, but this doesn’t work either.

    I don’t think, however, that this is the problem…for example, the images that the HTML file refers to are “https://localhost/wordpress/etc” Because “localhost” for one machine is different than “localhost” for another, this is why the images are not showing up. Maybe I just don’t know how wordpress works and this is hopeless.

    You understand what I’m trying to do, right? I want to set up a wordpress blog one one computer and access it from all of the other computers on my office network, so that we can collaborate here within the office. I NEVER intend on uploading this to the Internet.

    I have set up the xampplite, Apache, and MySQL servers like the tutorial said, and the WordPress page looks fine on this computer, but when I access it from another computer (by navigating to “//(thiscomputername)/wordpress”) it shows up without images or anything.

    What in the world am I doing wrong?

    Thanks for everything by the way. I am impressed at how the WP community responds so quickly and is so helpful.

    okay – that’s the problem.

    Go to the Admin panel and under Settings -> General enter either the private IP or the computer name of the machine that hosts the site for both WordPress Address (URL) & Blog Address (URL) like so: or https://computername/

    Done. ??

    Thread Starter petersoni


    Thank you SO much. That worked like a charm. I knew it was something simple that I just didn’t understand. Brockangelo is the man!!!

    If I may add another layer to this…

    Your advice above helped me out as well (thanks!). I am able to access the site through all of the PCs on my network, but my Mac will not connect to that address.

    The address that I’m using is:

    My thought was that a URL should work no matter what platform is being used.


    You run into this when networks are built with only PC’s in mind… If you open up a console (terminal) on your mac and type “ping intranet-test” you will probably get “Ping request could not find host intranet-test.”

    This happens because the Mac doesn’t know how to find Windows-based machine names on the network. I would bet that your PC’s have been finding your site because they are using WINS to resolve the address (a networking service built into Windows). In order for this to resolve on your network you will need to add “intranet-test” as a record in your DNS server.

    You may want to investigate this with your Network Administrator. You would want to say: “I’m not getting name resolution on my mac for this network. Can you add intranet-test to resolve to my IP address?”

    You might also want to check the network settings on the windows PC (ipconfig /all) and compare them to the network settings on the mac (ifconfig /all). Make sure you are being given the same DNS server, gateway, etc.

    Good luck


    I know this is a very silly question but I still can’t get it to work on other computers.

    I’ve installed wordpress nicely into ‘localhost’ (C:/Program Files/)

    Starting from the top, how do you go about making it visible on other computers in the same network?

    I’ve tried changing the blog name, wordpress url, etc and still can’t work!

    Can someone write up a step by step method in getting it to work on LAN?
    I really want to use wordpress in the company’s intranet.

    Do you have your PC configured as a webserver with apache installed? Talk to your network administrator and/or see https://urbangiraffe.com/2005/05/22/installing-wordpress-on-your-own-windows-computer/

    hi..i installed wp on the server machine which s a win XP computer..my idea is to develop a blog that can be updated by any computer on our Intranet..i installed using XAMP and it worked well.. but i’m facing the same problem wt petersoni has gone thru..but in my case the login page is not opening at all from other computers which are connected on intranet(LAN). so plz suggest me some ideas..???

    and i also don’t kno how to access wordpress login page from other computers…do i need to install xamp on all other computers also????

    okay – that’s the problem.

    Go to the Admin panel and under Settings -> General enter either the private IP or the computer name of the machine that hosts the site for both WordPress Address (URL) & Blog Address (URL) like so: or https://computername/

    Done. ??

    I did that and now I get a 403 error:

    You don’t have permission to access /wp-login.php on this server.

    Now I can’t get into my “site.” Help!

    hypnotiza – First, you need to get back into your mysql database and edit wp_options and modify site URL to reflect back to what it was before. I am using easyphp and my default url is (To get into the database I right click on easyphp and select Administration from the taskbar notification area)

    This link should allow you to log back into the console:

    Once in the console go all the way down to settings and general and make sure both WordPress address (URL) and Site address (URL) are set to

    This will restore everything back to the way it was.

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