using your cool tool for online conference configurations
I have an idea for advancing your tool to AWESOME …
My situation is … I am building an online conference with 20 sessions/rooms (each room is a wordpress page). On every page is your googlegroups plugin that shows a topic for that session/room only. I am calling each topic something like session1, session2, etc. I’d like to configure your plugin so that when you come into the room (any one of 20 pages), that you only see the googlegroups topics session you are in. In other words, participants do not have to figure anything out. They just start typing into the ggroups reply box FOR THAT SESSION ONLY. They see no other forum topic choices.
Does this make sense? Do you have Any advice? How do I use your plugin to differentiate each room (session)? So that I can program your plugin PER PAGE so people attendign the session on that page only see a discussion forum related to it only. They dont have to figure out and click on session1, session2, etc.
Right now your plugin doesn’t look like this is possible?. But hoping you have more magic for me? Your tool is a great idea. It just needs a few more options. Hoping you can help a non-coder like myself figure this out for my conference? Description found at
Thanks ahead of time. Call if you need.
skypename: vicdesotelle
?? Thx Vic
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