USPS Shipping Methods
We recently installed Multi-Carrier ShipStation Shipping Rates for WooCommerce.
For USPS displayed shipping methods, is the plug in pulling rates specifically from our Shipstaion account, Shipstation in general, or is it coming from another source?Reason for inquiry, our site is displaying rates/shipping methods that shouldn’t be available, such as “USPS Medial Mail”
If rates are being pulled from our Shipstation account, we don’t see this method available in our rates menu / account set up.
If rates are being pulled from Shipstation in general (not specifically from our account), is there a way to hide certain shipping methods / selections?
If rates are being pulled from somewhere else altogether, is there a way to hide certain shipping methods / selections?
Hope this makes sense, if not happy to provide screen shots.
Thanks for your time,
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