• Well, I would like a review of my site r0x0rz. It has a theme based on FG (old design) and would like some feedback (Any bugs, etc..). hope you like it!

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  • WTF!?

    this is from your site:

    Well guys, there is a new theme up I converted. The theme is called a€?Dark Spirita€? and was converted from MT to WP from FG. Thanks to Paul Scrivens for letting me to convert it and use it for WordPress. Although, I might not release the theme soon until maybe next week or two, There is still alot of things to fix. Ia€?ll need to validate the theme, fix this calendar issue where the border is missing, make it look HOT 100% in FireFox because It looks ugly alittle, etc..

    If anyone has any suggestions, Please let me know. also, The comment textbox will be increased soon since Ia€?m having some problems fixing it.


    Since when did YOU do any of the work? Wasn’t it Ibehold? Now if YOU did the work, then I apologise for my comments, but frankly it looks like you’re stealing credit for something you didn’t do. Asking permission doesn’t automagically create a theme in front of your eyes. Pretty deplorable.

    lol, somehow im not surprised

    notice that the footer on his site is lacking info thats on THIS one:


    me neither to be honest, but it’s disappointing, though typical behavour for someone like XC? dunno – it’s not acceptable, and it’s pretty silly to post the site on a forum you requested for it to be convered, where the progress was documented and shared with the users, only to then say “I did this, I did that, and look it’s all me” Wyatt may not care, but this really grates me and it’s not even my work or my theme. Oh and he might release HIS theme, but he’s not sure yet until he’s fixed it. All that talk about protecting themes, the code, the css, asking permission for conversions etc – what’s the point?

    I think idbehold needs to send a cease and desist immediately. HIS work looks very good, needless to say. Seems idbehold has a real flair for this sort of port!

    there is no purpose, and I honestly have to say it makes me question whether or not he actually got permission from Paul. I was curious from the get-go exactly what forum he was referencing when he said he got permission in the first place.

    Thread Starter xerocool



    Scrivs: Sure, but just give me credit in the code somewhere. Or even better a link in your footer stating the original design was found at FG.

    great, now adress the rest of the comments in this thread.

    Thread Starter xerocool


    Umm, like?

    I have no question about the authroity myself, I just question the claim you made in your entry as quoted above. If wyatt’s cool with that, then I guess no one has any qualms. COuld you detail specifically what part of the process you took part in the actual DESIGN and BUILDING of theme, and what part Wyatt was your bumbling, peddling assistant who deservers 0 credit, where as you deserve all?

    All of a piece, it seems, with the fact that XeroCool can’t even be bothered with simple politeness, as in “please” and “thank you”.

    “Well guys, there is a new theme up I converted” <— start there.

    well he named his site R0x0rz – isn’t that the new generation next thingy? like a middle finger or something? We rox0rz your boxorz and all that illiterate nonsense?

    Even if he does take that comment down btw, and suddenly sticks the RELEVANT credit in, he still owes a HUGE thank you to Wyatt and an pology.

    Anyway, let’s hold fire until Wyatt has his say? Maybe I jumped the gun, but it screamed BS as soon as I read it so…

    Thread Starter xerocool


    Can you all stfu? James W Cready emailed me the files. if you dont believe me, THEN DONT and stop replying. Especially you whoo.

    Thread Starter xerocool


    Well, James W Cready wont say much exept that he emailed me the files, and I modified em.

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