HI @agentrosehq
Thank you for explanation!
I’m afraid this isn’t really something that Hustle could do. There are two aspects: one would be to verify if the e-mail actually exists and another one to verify if it belongs to the user who submitted it.
The first one would require sending e-mail to the given address – before permanently adding it to internal list or to 3rd-party integrated service – and checking some defined inbox for response (to see if there’s e.g. some bounce message).
The second one would actually require some sort of active confirmation from user which is essentially a double opt-in which is provided by pretty much all the services that can be integrated with Hustle.
I suppose the first one could also be achieved by doing some sort of SMTP “test connection” or using some 3rd-party checker but I’ll need to consult that with our developers. It would be a new feature so I’ve asked them to look into possible ways and consider adding it in future.
Kind regards,