I assume you are referring to the bubbles in the admin menu with the numbers in it.
For Validated URLs, the number refers to the amount of pages on your website with AMP validation errors. In other words, these pages are not fully AMP.
For Error Index, the number refers to the amount of individual AMP validation errors found on your website.
If you click on the menu items you will see the individual entries, and you are able to see details about each page / error and which plugin or theme is causing the AMP validation errors.
You can learn more about AMP validation at https://amp-wp.org/documentation/how-the-plugin-works/amp-validation/.
Ideally, both these numbers should be 0.
Please have a look at https://amp-wp.org/documentation/developing-wordpress-amp-sites/wordpress-amp-debugging-workflow/ to find out what to do with these errors.
Many times, issues are caused by plugins or themes that are not yet fully AMP compatible. If you are not a developer and able to work around the issues yourself, it’s recommend to reach out to the developers of the software causing the issues.