• jbs385


    I’m having some troubles with validating my site. My almost zero knowledge of XHTML syntax is probably the reason but can someone help me with this error?

    Line 41, column 5: document type does not allow element “p” here; missing one of “object”, “applet”, “map”, “iframe”, “button”, “ins”, “del” start-tag

    the url is https://www.jaybsays.com

    thanks a lot

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  • Kafkaesqui


    You’re putting all of your post content into the <h5 class="storycontent"> element, which is causing a bulk of the validation errors. Try changing this to a <div>.



    Well for that ONE error, you can’t enclose paragraphs inside an <h> tagset…. without taking the whole thing apart I can’t say further than that. Though I can tell you that the css element “storycontent” on my page is enclosed in <div> tags.



    Heh – beat me, Kafkaesqui!



    Me Again. lol.

    This is happening to me now too, and I suspect it’s a plugin doing it because I’m sure this wasn’t happening earlier. Or maybe I changed something in my css? All I’m doing is posting, not adding any code other than a blockquote to quote something. And still my posts are invalid.

    The beginning of my posts start with double ” ” now and I’m a validating mess.




    Sorry that should be:

    my posts start with double



    Terry, are you sure in your template, you don’t have the_content() tag nested in <p> ... </p> tags?



    Kafkaesqui do you mean in the themes – default – index.php?

    I have

    <div class=”entry”>
    <?php the_content(‘Read the rest of this entry »’); ?>

    (I hope that code pasted ok this time lol)

    I’ve downloaded WordPress again and am comparing side by side the original with the one I’m using with the various plugins. I’ve also turned plugins on and off trying to find the error.

    I know this wasn’t happening earlier because I spent a lot of time cleaning it up, all that didn’t validate were the two things in the footer (my added stats stuff). Everything up to that point validated. It has to be a plugin or something I’ve put *somewhere* that’s causing the problem.

    I just can’t see it. I even (out of desperation) uploaded the original css file to see if that made a difference.


    sigh. needle. haystack.



    I’m happy to report I found the problem!

    Mine was the same as posted here:


    I was using this plugin:

    ‘Condensed Content for Date and Category Archives’

    And this is what to change:


    (Comment #26)

    Change line 49 to:

    return a€?<div>$content</div>a€?;

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