Oh, yes – I’ll update the documentation, it’s actually possible with the compare parameter:
[loop field="something" value="176" compare="like"]
Thank you for the feedback and suggestion. When I started this plugin, I didn’t realize what I was getting into – basically creating another layer over WP_Query, get_post_meta, etc., with a simpler shortcode syntax. Over time, it’s grown to cover many areas, and now it’s pretty useful for templating. It’s been a good learning experience to make sure the plugin runs in different environments and solve common needs.
Purdox looks great! I see it’s an Amazon Machine Image, to simplify hosting WordPress on AWS. I like how the exact steps are described, to make it easy to get started. It feels like a natural progress, that WordPress is riding along with the move towards the cloud and containerization, with Vagrant, Docker, Bitnami, Digital Ocean, etc.