Hey @jezfez
Will this plugin work if I have products in woocommerce that only show prices when a variable option is selected ?
Yes, I don’t see why that would cause any problem. When your prices show in WC is based on your theme, it doesn’t relate to how WP-Lister will operate or how the prices will be fed to WP-Lister from Woocommerce.
ie. is it possible to split the variations for eBay but omit the default listing ?
While you can split your variations in WP-Lister as explained here: https://docs.wplab.com/article/39-splitting-vs-flattening-variable-products (Note splitting is only available in Pro – flattening is available in lite) you cannot by default have the default listing omitted. But what you can do is after splitting the variable listing in WP-Lister, simply visit the “Listings” page of WP-Lister and delete the default listing variable listing, then list the rest of the split items to eBay.
Kind regards,