• Hello,
    thanks all for your time,
    I have been using woo-commerce for some time, i want to make some changes necessary.
    My physical products can be only shipped in India. So in simple product, button changes to read me in other nations,
    but for variable product, it remains same as select size, so, is there any way to remove the button as well as price only in other nations, or the price is removed and button text changes to read me as other’s so user will know, that it is not for buying. I have seach enough before coming here.
    This is only for physical product.
    virtual and downloadable product do not have anything to do and are working fine,

    Thanks and regards


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  • Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley


    How are you implementing the country restrictions to your products? With a plugin or custom code?

    Thread Starter elitegrey


    thanks for the reply,

    i am using simple shipping restriction from shipping per product.
    you can check here, the site from
    if seen from outside india. On the main store page everything that can not be shipped , shows add to cart as – read me, but the two shirts ( variable product) still says, select options, i want to convert both of them to read me too.

    thanks and ragards

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley


    Do you know if “simple shipping restriction” changes the button text itself, or just sets is_purchasable to false?

    Thread Starter elitegrey


    i by simple shipping restriction, i mean


    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley


    But that plugin won’t change cart buttons to ‘read more’, so what have you got in place to do this?

    Thread Starter elitegrey


    Here, i what i did, the whole process.
    step by step

    -I installed woo-commerce
    -i added some single as well as variable product
    -i used conditional-shipping-and-payments by wooocommerce to restrict physical products only to india for single as well as variable products
    -i used woo-commerce customizer to edit add to cart button and changed it to select options for variable product and no changes to add to cart button of single products.
    -With just above these step.

    When store is shown in India
    -“add to cart” button for variable products changes to “select size”.
    -“add to cart” button for single products remains same.
    Store view from India

    When store is viwed outside India
    -“add to cart” button for variable products remains “select size”.
    -“add to cart” button for single products ( physical products, which can not be shipped outside India) changes to “read me”.
    Store view from United states

    Is it possible to change the text “select size” of variable product in countries excluding india where shipping is not possible and change “select size” to read me or anything else.

    Thanks and regards.

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley


    Does turning off conditional-shipping-and-payments leave the buttons as read more?

    Thread Starter elitegrey



    By turning off conditional-shipping-and-payments , the “read me” changes to “add to cart”, because now the limitation of country has been removed. so user can buy from outside india.




    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    This sounds like the additional plugin you are using should be changing the text for variable products, but isn’t.

    You could always determine if the plugin sets a readable flag/variable for when someone is outside of your shipping area, then use that in a filter to change the text for the variable buttons.

    This has me wondering, though:

    -i used woo-commerce customizer to edit add to cart button and changed it to select options for variable product and no changes to add to cart button of single products.

    If the plugin is looking for specific text to change, maybe it isn’t able to change it because it is already changed? Just a thought.

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