• Resolved Anonymous User


    Dear all,
    I already contacted Meta Support but they were unable to help, so I will try it here.

    There are two types of products in the shop:
    “single” products
    “variable” products

    For single products, everything is working fine. But for “variable” products there is an issue when there are characters like a hyphen in the product title.
    When sync is done to Commerce Manager / Catalog, the html code for a hyphen is shown, not the hyphen itself.

    I’ve enabled debug mode for “Facebook for Woocommerce” Plugin, tried to sync one affected product and took a look into the log – that seems to be ok:

    2024-03-08T18:00:24+00:00 Notiz Request method: POST
    uri: https://graph.facebook.com/v17.0/*********/items_batch
    user-agent: Facebook-for-WooCommerce/3.1.10 (WooCommerce/8.6.1; WordPress/6.4.3)
    body: {“allow_upsert”:true,”requests”:[{“method”:”UPDATE”,”data”:{“title”:”Armband Mexico – Multi Coin – Silber”,”description”:”Armband mit runde……..

    On Facebook it looks like:

    Does anyone have any ideas what to do here?

    • This topic was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by Anonymous User.
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  • Plugin Support Zubair Zahid (woo-hc)


    Hello shnrmn

    Thank you for contacting WooCommerce support.

    I understand you are facing an issue where variable products are showing the HTML code for a hyphen instead of the hyphen at Facebook.
    For the single products, the hyphen appears fine.

    Is my understanding correct?

    Could you please share links to one single product and to one variable product so I can check the product titles from my end?

    Just to test, could you use & in a variable product and see how that appears? I want to see if HTML code appears for other special characters as well.

    Lastly, please send me a copy of your site’s System Status Report.
    You can find it via WooCommerce > Status.
    Select Get system report and then Copy for support.

    I look forward to your response. ??

    Thread Starter Anonymous User


    Hello Zubair,
    big thanks for your quick response ??

    Yes, your understanding ist correct. That’s exactly the issue.

    Sure let me share two examples:

    1. variable product with hyphen:
      Looks like in Facebook:
    2. single product with hyphen:
      Looks like in Facebook:

    Other special characters seems to have the same issue, I just noticed. For Example this variable product with a ‘ in the name:
    Looks like:

    Please find status report here:

    Kind regards

    ?? hey @shnrmn

    Thank you for reaching back, with further details on this.

    The first thing to check, when a product (especially variable product) isn’t synced properly to the Facebook catalog, is whether there is?a global product attribute created?and the attribute name contains a disallowed character?-. I’m linking to related documentation here, with further details.

    Moreover, it appears that a variable product manipulation plugin is activated on the site, also. That is worth checking further too.

    I hope this is helpful!?We look forward to your response. In the meantime, please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User


    Hey @anastas10s

    thanks for your response.

    Is there a list with all disallowed characters that I can check? On documentation a disallowed character is shown as “:” and you did mentioned “-” as a disallowed character.

    Fro example, I checked the attributes for this product: https://vilou.de/produkt/armband-weltkugel-lets-travel-the-world/
    Which looks like that in Facebook Commerce Manager: https://prnt.sc/xrvz_tOm2x2z
    The attributes for this variable products:

    I checked the global attributes – yes there are a few with an “-” and “:” but on the example product above these Values with disallowed characters aren’t active for this product. Or doesn’t this matter and the disallowed character will still have an impact even they aren’t used on a product?

    Thanks for all!

    Plugin Support Zubair Zahid (woo-hc)


    Hello shnrmn

    Thank you for your reply.

    After a closer look at your website, I found that you have a decimal code for the dash “-” symbol.

    There is a difference between a typed-out dash and a decimal code.
    To clarify this difference, I edited the HTML of your product page and typed a dash into your product title alongside the existing decimal code dash.
    Here is a screenshot, as you can see, the typed dash is smaller than the decimal code dash.


    Could you please edit the Title of this product and remove the existing dash and then type the Dash using your keyboard? After that try syncing it again with FB.

    Let me know about the outcome. ??

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User


    Hi dear @doublezed2

    thanks for seeing this! This is really weird! The Dashes are typed by keyboard, I checked that in past. But I did not noticed, that this dash is ending up that strange…

    I did some research on the web if someone else does have this strange thing and did found this topic: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/8211-is-in-title-instead-of-a-dash/

    The solution from @gmosso did help:

    I did complete reset the connection to facebook, deleted all products in commerce manager. After initial sync – everything seems ok in Commerce Manager.

    I let the customer know that she should check the products shown in Instagram and Facebook, if there are still issues. Let you know if we can close this case – fingers crossed ??

    You guys are awesome! Thanks.

    Best regards

    Plugin Support ckadenge (woo-hc)


    Hello Norman @shnrmn,

    It’s great to see that you’ve found a solution on the forum and were able to implement it successfully.

    Now that you’ve reset the connection to Facebook and deleted all products in the commerce manager, it seems like everything is back to normal. That’s fantastic news!

    Please do let us know if the customer encounters any more issues with the products shown in Instagram and Facebook.

    We’re here to help!

    Thread Starter Anonymous User


    Hey @ckadenge,

    sorry for my delayed reply. Customer told me that the “dash”-issue is gone but, she does not see all products from Commerce Manager in Instagram. But I think this isn’t an issue by this Plugin. I do have permissions to her Facebook page – there, everything seems fine. I do not have any credentials for Instagram, so i cannot check. In Business Assets both, Instagram and Facebook are active.

    But maybe on thing I noticed in relation to this plugin. Since I did the initial sync after reseting the connection, I’m unable to Update a Product. When updating it, I get: https://prnt.sc/pZHFyofvOwPk
    Please find debug log here: https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/084LFo2ajgyBSOLxqBxQnukXg#facebook_for_woocommerce-2024-03-15
    The changes are also not visible in Commerce Manager after a while.

    Thanks in advance to everyone!

    Plugin Support omarfpg a11n


    Hi @shnrmn,

    I see this code a few times in your error log:

    2024-03-15T15:57:28+00:00 NOTICE Response
    code: 400
    message: Bad Request
    body: {“error”:{“message”:”Unsupported get request. Object with ID ‘5773351092763381’ does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation at https:\/\/developers.facebook.com\/docs\/graph-api”,”type”:”GraphMethodException”,”code”:100,”error_subcode”:33,”fbtrace_id”:”AdAG70qTwhPDsHJC865kCJE”}}
    CONTEXT: {“_legacy”:true}

    This is the only product that is presenting this issue, correct? Can please you confirm this product is set to Sync and Show in catalog? Does it have a price, is in stock, and is not a Virtual product?


    Thread Starter Anonymous User


    Hi @omarfpg

    I checked a few more products. “simple products” seem to be ok for sync – I do not see an error when updating a product. The issue seems only to be vor variable products (tested 10 products). All tested products are in stock, Facebook-Option is set to “sync and show”, do have a price and are no virtual products.

    Thanks in advance! Regards

    Plugin Support Zubair Zahid (woo-hc)


    Hello Norman (shnrmn)

    Thank you for your reply.

    Since your initial problem (special character dash) has been resolved, I suggest you close this topic here and start a new topic for the other issue related to sync.

    This we can keep things organized and it also helps other users to search and find solutions more easily.

    Please go ahead and create a New Topic and I will be happy to assist you further. ??

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter Anonymous User


    Hey Zubair @doublezed2

    You’re right, new topic should be best way to not mix things up ??

    Creation done: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/update-variable-product-group-failed/#new-topic-0

    Thanks to all of you for helping out with this case ??

    Best regards

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