• Plugin Author Diego


    This article follows the one originally posted here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/vat-numbers-from-specific-countries-cant-be-validated-workaround/

    The EU VAT Assistant now includes options to accept VAT numbers that can’t be validated when the server is busy or not responding. . Such options are located at WooCommerce > EU VAT Assistant > VAT Validation (see https://prnt.sc/sfuxlb).

    These options replace the custom code provided in the original post, which is no longer needed.

    The responsibility of applying the reverse charge rule correctly on intra-EU B2B transactions remains entirely on the merchant (i.e. you). If you choose to use the above code to apply an exemption a VAT number can’t be validated, you assume the risk of accepting invalid VAT numbers. Should that happen, it will be up to you to contact your local Revenue Authority and apply the necessary corrections.

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