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  • Could you tell us how we’d use the code? For example, would we create a new .php page with that code in it and then do an include page_navigation.php somewhere in our index… and if so, would it be included at the top of the page, in the loop, etc.
    I know everybody’s not as stupid as I am about php, but I’m sure there are some who would like to know (me included).

    You can paste it into one of the existing php files, or put it in it’s own php file (wrapped with the < ? p h p … ? > stylings, without spaces… ?? ). Then inside the loop add a callout to page_navigation, like any of the other php calls/’tags’ in the template.
    If you need a full example, let me know. ??

    You can create a my-hacks.php file, don’t forget the <?php, and the ending ?> tags. Go to admin, and set your general options to allow hacks. and then call his function.
    page_navigation($before=”, $after=”, $prelabel=’? ‘, $nxtlabel=’ ?’)

    sorry, i didn include a tutorial on how to install because I dun really know how my hacks work. I just put it in my template-functions.

    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    ops tt was me

    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    wp-vbnavi.php ( Demo | Download)
    Renamed the file on my server.

    GamerZ.. i installed your hack without success in the 1.1b (02-24’s version), and i have no reasult… not sure if it’s my installation or the version, can you head up a light on it ?! instructions ?!… i read the code but not able to find the problem.

    It needs to be outside “the loop” I think….at least that is where I have mine. I’m using the latest and greatest CVS code and just implemented this hack. Works great!

    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    nexia: you need to make sure your “what_to_show” under options > Other Options are set to post_paged.

    AHHHH .. .this is not written in the “docs” .. ??
    now it’s working great…

    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    hey nexia, sorry about that, I didn’t really write an instructions for it, maybe i shall do it soon. =D

    Working great! GamerZ, thank you!!!!! ??

    After tries & errors I finally got it to work.

    If anyone needs help please let me know or have a look .

    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    xtool, what error you have?

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