You can remove the link by customizing the content-espresso_events-venues.php template part. The neat part about EE’s template loader is it will look in your WP theme (or child theme) before it looks in the EE plugin folder. This will allow you to keep your changes from getting overridden on an update.
First step, you copy the content-espresso_events-venues.php template from the public/arabic folder into your child theme.
Then you open it up and change line 12 from:
<h4><strong><?php _e( 'Venue:', 'event_espresso' ); ?></strong> <strong> <?php espresso_venue_name(); ?></strong></h4>
You change it to:
<h4><strong><?php _e( 'Venue:', 'event_espresso' ); ?></strong> <strong> <?php espresso_venue_name('', 'none'); ?></strong></h4>
Hope that helps!