• I noticed this before the upgrade to WP3.6

    If the number of venues you have is greater than the number that fits on 10 pages, the list of page numbers stays 1 to 10, even if you’ve clicked ‘>’ or ‘>>’ and got to page 11.

    It’s not possible to click ’11’ to go straight to that page even if you are on page 9 or 10, you can only reach higher page numbers by clicking ‘>’ or ‘>>’.

    It would be better if the venues page would work like Google does, so if I’m on page 10 of, say 20, then the list of pages would be 6 to 15, or something like that.

    Please see https://ninebattles.com/venue/ where this is demonstrated, there are 11 pages of venues there.


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  • Hiya,

    Yes – this is as designed. As soon as you click the next link you will be taken to page 11 and then, as I see from your site, the navigation changes to show pages 11 and 12.

    If you wanted that to behave differently you would need to replace it with your own version which would require custom coding.


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