Hello! Yes, I should update that – it’s no longer there. Easy Age Verifier is now a top-level menu item, and should be located toward the bottom of your menu.
If your verifier isn’t popped up, it’s probably one of these things:
- When you upgraded, the database did not transfer properly
- Your verifier pop up used a custom CSS class in the previous version, and that was inadvertently reset when the upgrade was made
First off, visit your dashboard and click Age Verifier. It’s probably located at the bottom of your dashboard menu. This will take you to the customizer, where the verifier settings now reside
Second, check to see if those settings are not filled in. If they’re not, then something went wrong with your upgrade and you’ll need to re-enter the data into these fields (sorry about that!).
If they are filled in, than check the “Display the age verifier in the customizer” checkbox. If the verifier does not pop up when you check this checkbox, let me know.