Verifying Coupon Codes
I’m looking for a solution what should be a simple issue, we issue unique codes for customers to use in store, for for example £5 OFF their purchase. These are issued via Mailchimp.
At the moment, we validate these through a web-form with Elementor, on a hidden page for staff. However, it doesn’t actually validate anything – so is open to abuse. It simply just stores the codes as submissions.
I am looking for a solution to allow us to validate these codes to make sure they are only used once, through a form. So for example:
Website page for staff with single input form.
Staff input code.
Code is checked against a database / google sheet etc.
If code has been previously used, or not found – custom error message displayed.
If code is valid, not previously been used – custom success message displayed
Is anybody aware of such a solution?
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