• When I have version 1.8.11 running, there are many slow queries to the database and average load times for category pages and product pages is 4.5 seconds. When I switch to 1.8.10 speeds go back to normal and mysql usage/slow queries disappears.

    On 1.8.11 – avg load times – 4.5 seconds
    On 1.8.10 – avg load times – 2.5 seconds

    I see the changelog says –

    Fixed compatibility with WPML related to custom field translations.
    Fixed compatibility with WordPress 4.4 related to menu management.
    Added ‘action’ to the list of reserved words that can not be used to name post types or taxonomies.

    Do I need to update to 4.4? Or is there anything you can look into? I can send you the slow queries file if you would like when I was running version 1.8.11.



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  • Thread Starter WP Lab Support


    Any help from anyone on this?

    It is most definitely this plugin causing problems with load time. The slow load times go away as soon as I roll back to version 1.8.10.


    Hello WP Lab Support, I’m sorry for the delayed answer. Can you please use our Toolset forum for this? Performance of our plugins is definitely a concern to us, but we will be able to help you better there: https://wp-types.com/forums/

    Soon there will be a new version with many changes, let’s see if it brings any performance improvements to you.

    I hope this helps.

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