• Resolved woottonwebby


    I’ve used this plugin for some time now, and been very happy with it. The latest update has errors though. Viewing restricted pages normally causes the WordPress login box to show, with version 2.4.0 the site displayed some pages that it shouldn’t, unless logged in. Rolling back to v2.3.0 corrected the issue. Auto-updates now turned off.

    There is a negative review dating back to June 10 that I assume is connected with the same issue, as I’ve never had problems before.

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  • Plugin Support Kim L


    Hi @woottonwebby,

    We’re sorry to hear the update caused issues!

    Could you share more information about your restriction (content type and other settings) so we can try to reproduce the issue?

    If you’d like to share it privately, you can send us a ticket via Get Support – Content Control Plugin.

    We’ll wait for your message and we appreciate your patience. ??

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @woottonwebby – Sorry to hear that. v2.4.0 looked to solve a bunch of reported issues as well as make some of our main functions more performance with caching.

    We are steadily resolving user reported conflicts and other nuance issues. Over time this will smooth things out, but inevitably some of the changes end up having side effects or exposing other small unreported conflicts & issues.

    That said the plugin has a solid track record of exactly this. You can see we took a couple versions after v1.0 to get things fully ironed out, but then had no major issues other than feature requests for a long time. v2 however added a ton of new functionality, new content types you could restrict, new block restrictions, completely rewritten rule & restriction systems that are aware of the type of request being checked and can protect Rest API, RSS Feeds and other stuff it couldn’t before.

    The biggest set of changes that we are slowly ironing out was the way we handle restriction processing now, much more refined, broken into smaller reusable chunks, but some of that functionality has to be rewritten from one version to the next to acomodate new challenges/conflicts as they are made known.

    We are happy to dig into this with you. We can either set you up with a private demo site where you can try and replicate the issue, clone a staging site or just send us a login token via the support form above, along with some details on how we can see the issue, screencasts welcome.

    Plugin Support Kim L


    Hi @woottonwebby,

    We’re going to mark this as resolved as we haven’t heard from you in a while.

    Feel free to send us a ticket or create a new thread if we can help with anything else.


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