Version 2.0 Problems admin pages
Not working toggle switch.
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I have the same problem after I updated the plugin. Please help!
I can’t toggle to expand or collapse anything in the editing page.Hi,
Thanks for your feedback.
This is a simple problem from “statistics.js” file. Before the next update, please replace the following codes with current “admin/classes/class-charts.php” file:<?php if ( ! class_exists( 'wp_ulike_stats' ) ) { class wp_ulike_stats{ private $wpdb; /** * Constructor */ public function __construct() { global $wpdb; $this->wpdb = $wpdb; add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this,'enqueue_script')); } /** * Add chart scripts files + Creating Localize Objects * * @author Alimir * @since 2.0 * @updated 2.0.1 * @return Void */ public function enqueue_script($hook) { if ( 'wp-ulike_page_wp-ulike-statistics' != $hook ) { return; } wp_register_script('wp_ulike_chart', plugins_url( 'js/chart.min.js' , __FILE__ ), array('jquery'), null, true); wp_enqueue_script('wp_ulike_chart'); wp_register_script('wp_ulike_stats', plugins_url( 'js/statistics.js' , __FILE__ ), array('jquery'), null, true); wp_enqueue_script('wp_ulike_stats'); wp_localize_script( 'wp_ulike_stats', 'wp_ulike_statistics', array( 'posts_date_labels' => $this->posts_dataset('label'), 'comments_date_labels' => $this->comments_dataset('label'), 'activities_date_labels' => $this->activities_dataset('label'), 'posts_dataset' => $this->posts_dataset('dataset'), 'comments_dataset' => $this->comments_dataset('dataset'), 'activities_dataset' => $this->activities_dataset('dataset') )); wp_enqueue_script('postbox'); } /** * Get The Posts Data Set * * @author Alimir * @since 2.0 * @return JSON Array */ public function posts_dataset($type){ $return_type = $type != 'dataset' ? 'new_date_time' : 'count_date_time'; $return_val = $this->select_data('ulike'); foreach($return_val as $val){ $newarray[] = $val->$return_type; } return json_encode($newarray); } /** * Get The Comments Data Set * * @author Alimir * @since 2.0 * @return JSON Array */ public function comments_dataset($type){ $return_type = $type != 'dataset' ? 'new_date_time' : 'count_date_time'; $return_val = $this->select_data('ulike_comments'); foreach($return_val as $val){ $newarray[] = $val->$return_type; } return json_encode($newarray); } /** * Get The Activities Data Set * * @author Alimir * @since 2.0 * @return JSON Array */ public function activities_dataset($type){ $return_type = $type != 'dataset' ? 'new_date_time' : 'count_date_time'; $return_val = $this->select_data('ulike_activities'); foreach($return_val as $val){ $newarray[] = $val->$return_type; } return json_encode($newarray); } /** * Get The Logs Data From Tables * * @author Alimir * @since 2.0 * @return String */ public function select_data($table){ $return_val = $this->wpdb->get_results( " SELECT DATE(date_time) AS new_date_time, count(date_time) AS count_date_time FROM ".$this->wpdb->prefix."$table GROUP BY new_date_time DESC LIMIT 20 "); return $return_val; } /** * Get The Summary Of Like Data * * @author Alimir * @since 2.0 * @return Integer */ public function get_data_date($table,$time){ if($time == 'today') $where_val = "DATE(date_time) = DATE(NOW())"; else if($time == 'yesterday') $where_val = "DATE(date_time) = DATE(subdate(current_date, 1))"; else if($time == 'week') $where_val = "week(DATE(date_time)) = week(DATE(NOW()))"; else $where_val = "month(DATE(date_time)) = month(DATE(NOW()))"; $return_val = $this->wpdb->get_var( " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$this->wpdb->prefix."$table WHERE $where_val "); return $return_val; } /** * Get The Sum Of All Likes * * @author Alimir * @since 2.0 * @return Integer */ public function get_all_data_date($table,$name){ $return_val = $this->wpdb->get_var( " SELECT SUM(meta_value) FROM ".$this->wpdb->prefix."$table WHERE meta_key LIKE '$name' "); return $return_val; } } //create global variable global $wp_ulike_stats; $wp_ulike_stats = new wp_ulike_stats(); }
Thanks you.
thanks you
Thanks you!
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