• I’m getting ready to take on the challenge of getting this plugin updated in the coming months. The overarching goal of the release will be to bring the entire codebase up to more modern development standards. Refactoring the code now will help see this plugin into the next several years (it’s nearing a decade old now).

    3.0.0 overview

    You can read the 3.0.0 overview on GitHub, which outlines what the goals are for this major release.

    Ideas and feature requests

    Now, while it’s early, is a good time to request any features you have in mind. I can make no guarantees, but I’d love to hear any feedback you may have.

    Also, here’s a list of existing tickets, features, and issues already slated for 3.0.0.

    Sponsoring development

    Version 3.0.0 is going to take many development hours. I’ll have a post up soon (likely next week) with more details. But, if you might be interested in donating or sponsoring this release, let me know. I’m going to reach out to some of the bigger WP business that I know.

    The release is going to happen regardless. It’s more a matter of how much time I can spend on development vs. having to pick up client work to put food on the table.

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  • Justin, glad to see this update in the works. Looking forward to the progress and more details from you soon!

    That’s great to hear. The plugin currently has no way to export & import roles/caps (and no automation of this that can be versioned). So would be good to see that added – is pretty essential for professional projects.

    Here’s one important thing i wish your plugin do : make every string, including the default error message, translatable.


    +1 for the translatable strings

    Hi, dear Justin!

    Will how soon you will realize the 3.0 version of the plugin?

    Or you decide to leave the support of this plugin?
    I need to know because I decided to use it for some project sometime earlier.
    And now when I move to develop it and install the Members plugin, I see the message:

    “This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.”

    So I need to know, that I need to search for the new one or you will update it soon.

    Best Regards,
    Alex S.

    It’s great to have this news.
    Count on my support for Italian and Romanian translations.
    Maybe, give a quick touch to the actual version to confirm WordPress 5 compatibility in the repository.

    Time may be better spent addressing the concerns on this support page that have been neglected.

    Thread Starter Justin Tadlock


    Time may be better spent addressing the concerns on this support page that have been neglected.

    I don’t provide support for this plugin here on www.ads-software.com. Support is handled via https://themehybrid.com/board/topics

    There’s a sticky topic that explains support details: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/read-before-posting-a-support-question/

    Thanks Justin, that is the board I was referring to.

    Thread Starter Justin Tadlock


    This is an update to let everyone know where the Members 3.0 update currently stands.

    I had originally planned to have 3.0 done by now or at least close to being done. I had one project that set me back a couple of months. That wasn’t a big deal; I could work with that.

    Then, just as I was wrapping up the first project, another big project proposal came to me that I couldn’t turn down. It meant rearranging my entire summer schedule and pushing Members 3.0 back to late 2019. The timeline for that project was supposed to begin in July. That didn’t happen. At the moment, I’m just kind of in a holding pattern with that project, hoping it gets started soon or we at least have a more definitive timeline.

    Therefore, Members 3.0 work is in a holding pattern at the moment too.

    As a Members user, it can be frustrating not knowing if you’ll get the 3.0 update anytime soon. It’s frustrating for me too because I have a lot of great ideas about making the plugin better. But, I really need a good, uninterrupted couple of months to make it happen.

    If I don’t have anything more definitive by August with the aforementioned project, I’ll likely set an Aug-Sept timeline for Members 3.0 work. Otherwise, I’ll update everyone here.

    Thread Starter Justin Tadlock


    Schedule Update

    At the moment, it looks like the big project I’m working on is going to happen between the middle of August and late November. So, I plan on working on it and Members at the same time. I’m just working out how that’s going to look on my schedule.

    Edit Role Screen Update

    Here’s a rough draft of some work I’ve done to update the edit role screen in 3.0:

    View post on imgur.com

    Hi Justin,

    I would like to see the ability to bulk change page content role permissions. Thanks!

    I’d love to see the ability to sync user roles and/or role changes across sites when using WP Multisite.

    User Story: When setting up users across multi-sites, the roles between the sites need to be the same. This means if I need to add a new role or change an existing role, I have to update that role per each site (right now we have 24) and this becomes very time consuming.

    The way we’re using multisite requires users and roles to match across the entire platform but the users themselves and user’s assigned roles are unique per site. I might have user jdoe with editor capabilities on one site but read-only on another. editor capabilities would match between all the sites on the network.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by uberfoto.
    Thread Starter Justin Tadlock


    @uberfoto – Thanks for the feedback. I do get this request from time to time.

    I’ll be honest, I’m not sure if this will happen in 3.0. Personally, I don’t use multisite, so I’m not as familiar with it as I’d like to be.

    Based on what I understand right now, this might make for a good add-on because different people use multisite in different ways.

    Anyway, the idea is on my radar. I’m just not sure if/when it’ll happen.

    Hi Justin:
    If we are free to ask, here it goes: The ability to time-limit user roles, or to create time-limited user roles is a feature in need. With some way out, like redirection to a specific page or a change of role.

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