• Per the post at https://www.ads-software.com/development/2009/12/setting-scope/ we will be attempting to set a defined scope for version 3.0, and stick to it. Use this thread to discuss features for inclusion, and which features you think are most important to have in core vs. a plugin. Bear in mind that version 3.0 is when MU functionality will come into core, so WordPress will support running multiple blogs/sites from one installation, and that merge is in itself a big project. If you could only pick *one* other feature, what would it be?

    Here are some of the ideas that have been discussed for 3.0 before… the list is clearly too long, but it will give you an idea of what’s been proposed or pushed before:

    Easy blog menu management, dynamic image resize/crop, media upload UI redesign (begun in 2.9 but postponed for implementation due to technical issues), photo albums, custom content type UI and API, supercharging queries (cross-taxonomies), categories/tags for pages, auto-taxonomy UI, custom fields UI (possibly to be registered by themes or plugins for something to be displayed), settings UI redesign, improve the upgrade process (inc. distros for specific use types), SVN awareness, canonical plugins and a UI for displaying them, plugin page redesign, themes UI redesign, comments UI touchup, decouple language updates and files, new default theme, choose your own start page, caps lock detection, accessibility admin theme, mobile admin theme, synching custom fields > taxonomies, exif refresh, role management simplification, credits page in app, default custom types (microblog, galleries, asides), admin bar, front end comment moderation, front end posting (a la P2), better importers, widget installer, importer installer, more inline documentation, built-in “Welcome to WordPress” guide for 1st time admin use/checklist (set settings, add profiles, set up comment options, dashboard modules, add widgets, pick a theme, etc) with ability to dismiss as you move through, better help tab, more template tags, better zone selector, new code editor, XSL for RSS feeds (pretty feeds), bulk user creation (lazy load importer?), below post widgets, image importing, HTML validation, customizable comment form, Twitter and Flickr importers, WordPress capitalization catcher, configurable QuickPress configurable (add categories), more dashboard modules, easy linking to internal content when writing new content in editor, audit of error messages and updating them to be clearer revisions for custom fields and taxonomies… the list is endless, really, because there are so many cool things we could do. But which ones *should* we do? And specifically, which should we do in 3.0? Discuss!

Viewing 15 replies - 151 through 165 (of 185 total)
  • I agree with jmccann. – Tags for pages should be included because this functionality is often needed if WordPress is used as a CMS.

    @jmccann: Two years ago I’ve written a post which shows how to change taxonomy.php in wp-includes to allow tags for pages in the tag-cloud.

    Usable custom content types (the likes of the Drupal CCK). It’s time to really beef up the CMS features so that we don’t have to keep hacking posts, pages and categories to suit our CMS needs. Yes there are plugins, but it really should be core IMO.

    Pretty much merge the functionality of posts and pages (tags, categories etc.) but keep the separation of their purposed use. This would also call for easy swapping between posts and pages (*click!* now my page is a post!).

    Don’t want:
    The vast gallery functionality scares me. Would be much better suited as a canonical (or ‘classic’ as I wanted to suggest) plugin.

    Don’t sacrifice speed for anything.

    How about better supports on document sharing with libraries or folders, like MS sharepoint?

    2 separate versions and I’m not finicky as to which version is first first…

    1. Shoring up the CMS
    + 1 @designodyssey – long post on page 3
    + 1 @cyrilletuzi

    “custom content type UI and API. the few things about that done in WP 2.9 have to be finished, because they are not useful as they are now. custom content type UI and API would allow to use WordPress as a real CMS, and it would open a new world for this great tool”

    +1 @tommiehansen

    “Maybe focus more on code optimization”

    +1 @edified

    “I think it’s pretty sad that realtime comments is still a theme/pluging realm thing.

    2) MU Integration

    I do not really understand why MU should be standard build in. The success of WordPress so far was that is was lightweight and easy to use. Are you going to destroy that now?
    Why not have two separate entities as before? If I have a blog, do I want to drag the burden around of code I’m not going to use anyway? What is it with open source developers wanting to put everything into one giant, cumbersome box?
    Just a thought of an otherwise big fan of wordpress.

    I’d like to see a feature that would allow you to merge tags. Say someone has two different tags: “dog” and “dogs.” I’d like a way to merge both of them as “dogs.”

    I’m not if anyone suggested this yet, but while we’re all looking for more features, I am genuinely worried that we’ll end up with a software that will no longer support a shared hosting environment once you make it to 200 visitors a day.

    Thread Starter Jen


    @ajay: I’m not sure what your question is. Many sites running WordPress on shared hosts receive more than 200 visitors a day… many receive thousands or more with no trouble.

    @raboodesign the extra amount of code isn’t really all that much, and the download size of MU/WP is still only a quarter of the size of one of the competitors.

    Remember, over 90% of MU is WP code. They’re only adding in the multiple blog specific stuff.

    I’d really like to have the ability to have a live page served on the site, but then be able to have a ‘working draft’ version that I am gradually modifying behind the scenes and then, when ready, overwrite the live page with when I’m ready.

    A lot of CMS’es now have this as standard – and for me – whilst I love wordpress and think much of it is way better than a lot of CMS’es – this one area is lacking.

    A full description of the problem – with example – is here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/349454?replies=1

    @raboodesign the extra amount of code isn’t really all that much, and the download size of MU/WP is still only a quarter of the size of one of the competitors.

    Remember, over 90% of MU is WP code. They’re only adding in the multiple blog specific stuff.

    One thing I’d like to see in the installation script- whatever is NOT wanted is NOT installed!

    I do not want any foreign translation files. Some people do not want any multiple blogs. U.S.W.(Etc.) Go ahead and have it in the installation files, but make sure they are either not installed or deleted when the installation finishes.

    Same with other options that have a possibility of bloating the blog.

    I’d like to have an easier way to find and link to previous posts in the same blog. Is there an easy way to do this that I don’t know about? I have to have two browser tabs open and cut and paste the URL once I find the previous post.

    Also anything that makes mobile easier for readers and also for admin would be great.

    Lots of current plugin stuff would be nice to have in WP. “Subscribe” and “subscribe to comments” are two. “No self pings” as a feature too.



    Great to hear that, MU ability was the prior factor! Not only after I failed to install WP-MU on a shared server, which seems to be not possible ?? In addition, I’d love to see wp 3.0 extended by

    • PMS, internal message system
    • Page Tagging

    Thanks! mathias

    I’d like to see a feature that would allow you to merge tags. Say someone has two different tags: “dog” and “dogs.” I’d like a way to merge both of them as “dogs.”

    See the Merge Tags plugin.

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