• Per the post at https://www.ads-software.com/development/2009/12/setting-scope/ we will be attempting to set a defined scope for version 3.0, and stick to it. Use this thread to discuss features for inclusion, and which features you think are most important to have in core vs. a plugin. Bear in mind that version 3.0 is when MU functionality will come into core, so WordPress will support running multiple blogs/sites from one installation, and that merge is in itself a big project. If you could only pick *one* other feature, what would it be?

    Here are some of the ideas that have been discussed for 3.0 before… the list is clearly too long, but it will give you an idea of what’s been proposed or pushed before:

    Easy blog menu management, dynamic image resize/crop, media upload UI redesign (begun in 2.9 but postponed for implementation due to technical issues), photo albums, custom content type UI and API, supercharging queries (cross-taxonomies), categories/tags for pages, auto-taxonomy UI, custom fields UI (possibly to be registered by themes or plugins for something to be displayed), settings UI redesign, improve the upgrade process (inc. distros for specific use types), SVN awareness, canonical plugins and a UI for displaying them, plugin page redesign, themes UI redesign, comments UI touchup, decouple language updates and files, new default theme, choose your own start page, caps lock detection, accessibility admin theme, mobile admin theme, synching custom fields > taxonomies, exif refresh, role management simplification, credits page in app, default custom types (microblog, galleries, asides), admin bar, front end comment moderation, front end posting (a la P2), better importers, widget installer, importer installer, more inline documentation, built-in “Welcome to WordPress” guide for 1st time admin use/checklist (set settings, add profiles, set up comment options, dashboard modules, add widgets, pick a theme, etc) with ability to dismiss as you move through, better help tab, more template tags, better zone selector, new code editor, XSL for RSS feeds (pretty feeds), bulk user creation (lazy load importer?), below post widgets, image importing, HTML validation, customizable comment form, Twitter and Flickr importers, WordPress capitalization catcher, configurable QuickPress configurable (add categories), more dashboard modules, easy linking to internal content when writing new content in editor, audit of error messages and updating them to be clearer revisions for custom fields and taxonomies… the list is endless, really, because there are so many cool things we could do. But which ones *should* we do? And specifically, which should we do in 3.0? Discuss!

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  • This is my first post re WordPress, but I run a very successful site with it (www.debtdeflation.com/blogs) which gets about 150,000 visitors a month and has over 3,000 members who post up to 500 comments per blog entry.

    This isn’t to brag so much as to frame my dilemma: when I reply to a comment I would like to identify which comment I am replying to.

    I have installed the “Paginated Comments” plugin which lets my readers see both comment numbers and only have to scroll past no more than 50 comments to make a reply–which is very useful.

    But when I want to reply through the “Edit Comments” page, I don’t see the numbers for the comments, just the commenter’s details–as in:

    “Steve Keen
    [email protected]″

    It would help enormously if the info included the number of the comment being made, as in:

    “Steve Keen
    [email protected]
    Comment # 441″

    This may have already been suggested here–I certainly hope it has! If so my apologies for not reading all previous posts.

    A word of thanks to the developers: this is a fantastic piece of software that only gets better with time.

    Please support post status “private” and “draft” for attachments.

    This would be handy when a client keeps changing their mind about which photos to use — you don’t really want to delete attachments, merely indicate which ones you want displayed.

    If you manually write SQL to set an attachment to “draft” (since the Media manager gives you no way to do this), the WP admin screens give no indication, and also seemingly get confused and show picture size=0.

    My Autonav plugin already supports non-published attachments (where post_status is not “inherit”) and it would be wonderful if WP did too.

    Ok, here are my suggestion.

    I now only use wordpress Mu and I work as a web magazine director, just to say that I spend my whole days in the wordpress kitchen for years now… ??

    [1] I totaly add my vote for the domain mapping feature for blogs.

    [2] One thing I always wanted to have in wordpress Mu is a kind of “default settings interface” where you can adjust ALL the default settings for new blogs. By all I mean “all”, i.e. Media sizes, permalinks structure, etc.

    [3] On the same topic, I always wanted to have an “update all blogs settings interface” where I can change all the settings for every blogs. Or better : a “check list” form where I can choose wich blog to update. Here again, by “all”, I mean All…

    [4] Custom fields… I would like to have all the fields on the edit post screen once they are created, not in a drop down list… Or better, an option to choose if a custom field should always be visible outside the dropdown list.

    I often use custom fields for differents information about an article that we always use (photo credit for instance)…

    Or even better! A way to make some custom fields updated when we update post with no need to press the update custom field button itself.

    And in my crazyest dreams, I would like to choose if a custom field should only be visible for the admin, and not for the authors!

    [5] A “search all blogs” feature in wordpress itself, not in a plugin.

    [6] A possibility to merge all the blogs, or some choosen blogs in a common RSS feed.

    [7] Another attribute for blogs, not just “public”, “adult” and “spam”… I would like to have some kind of “club select”, for some featured blogs.

    [8] Not so urgent in my point of view, but I think it will be important in a near future : A multi-database feature supported by auttomatic and the wordpress team.


    Thats it. Keep on the good work. We choosed wordpress 5 years ago and I’m sure now we made the best possible choice for our web magazine.



    Start by dragging the comment system out of 1999.

    For starters at least provide a standard way to handle ajax comments. I have to a leave the page to leave a comment? Are you kidding me? This is easily the most visibly kludgy part of the wordpress frontend.

    Probably the most sought after plugin/theme feature as well.

    Thread Starter Jen


    The scope of 3.0 has been decided, as of the 1/7/10 dev chat in IRC, which took into account how many people requested various features in this thread. 3.0 will include:

    • The merge with MU (but not the extra domain stuff, which will remain plugin territory for this version)
    • Better support for custom post types
    • New default theme
    • Better menu management (time permitting)

    Thanks to everyone who weighed in on this thread to help determine the scope of version 3.0!

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