• Per the post at https://www.ads-software.com/development/2009/12/setting-scope/ we will be attempting to set a defined scope for version 3.0, and stick to it. Use this thread to discuss features for inclusion, and which features you think are most important to have in core vs. a plugin. Bear in mind that version 3.0 is when MU functionality will come into core, so WordPress will support running multiple blogs/sites from one installation, and that merge is in itself a big project. If you could only pick *one* other feature, what would it be?

    Here are some of the ideas that have been discussed for 3.0 before… the list is clearly too long, but it will give you an idea of what’s been proposed or pushed before:

    Easy blog menu management, dynamic image resize/crop, media upload UI redesign (begun in 2.9 but postponed for implementation due to technical issues), photo albums, custom content type UI and API, supercharging queries (cross-taxonomies), categories/tags for pages, auto-taxonomy UI, custom fields UI (possibly to be registered by themes or plugins for something to be displayed), settings UI redesign, improve the upgrade process (inc. distros for specific use types), SVN awareness, canonical plugins and a UI for displaying them, plugin page redesign, themes UI redesign, comments UI touchup, decouple language updates and files, new default theme, choose your own start page, caps lock detection, accessibility admin theme, mobile admin theme, synching custom fields > taxonomies, exif refresh, role management simplification, credits page in app, default custom types (microblog, galleries, asides), admin bar, front end comment moderation, front end posting (a la P2), better importers, widget installer, importer installer, more inline documentation, built-in “Welcome to WordPress” guide for 1st time admin use/checklist (set settings, add profiles, set up comment options, dashboard modules, add widgets, pick a theme, etc) with ability to dismiss as you move through, better help tab, more template tags, better zone selector, new code editor, XSL for RSS feeds (pretty feeds), bulk user creation (lazy load importer?), below post widgets, image importing, HTML validation, customizable comment form, Twitter and Flickr importers, WordPress capitalization catcher, configurable QuickPress configurable (add categories), more dashboard modules, easy linking to internal content when writing new content in editor, audit of error messages and updating them to be clearer revisions for custom fields and taxonomies… the list is endless, really, because there are so many cool things we could do. But which ones *should* we do? And specifically, which should we do in 3.0? Discuss!

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  • I’m mostly in the “make sure the multiple blogs & sites work” camp. ?? That’s it. Smooth out all the little idiosyncrasies if the MU part, and we’re golden.

    @atrpoetica – the only issue with splog prevention built in is the spammers can read the code too, and build their bots to work around it.

    I’d like to see:
    – use this theme for mobile devices (not a plugin)
    – be able to specify which plugins are available on each page

    I would like to see a signature line for comments built in and managed from the user’s profile page. The site owner can decide whether to turn the feature on or off from the settings/discussion screen in the admin.

    @djallyn: Remember, WP is not forum software.


    By posting such a frivolous list (and by not even bothering to make it an unordered list), you don’t help people take seriously whatever you are trying to do.

    @hpguru speaking of Software forum, I might be a little new on this WP, but could your or someone else lead me the way to the WP diagrams? thankx.

    I am choosing following points from list above:
    – auto-taxonomy UI;
    – new default theme;
    – built-in “Welcome to WordPress” guide for 1st time admin use/checklist (set settings, add profiles, set up comment options, dashboard modules, add widgets, pick a theme, etc) with ability to dismiss as you move through;
    – below post widgets.

    I also would like to see few API enhancements, which are already captured in Trac:
    – metadata support for taxonomies;
    – support for custom post types.

    It will be also great if you will be accepting trivial enhancements like new actions and filters without planning them first – risk is minimal, and potential benefit may be huge (especially for developer asking for them).

    +1 custom content type UI and API,
    +1 “use this theme for mobile devices (not a plugin)” – mobile is getting more and more important….and adding this as core would make sense.

    +1 to – new default theme;

    The permission system might also need a revamp…especially when publishing posts…you cant have several versions of a post…once you change it its automatically published..which might not make it suitable for enterprise use.

    Show a more proper hierarchie in the pages section so you can extend and collapse the structure.

    I would love to see much more of, Custom Fields and Multi-User, in WordPress 3.0.

    But is also important to have enchancements on API of the Media Upload.

    That’s it.

    Thanks for the good job done…

    Page reordering by drag and drop in the page editor, with a clearer vizualisation of sub pages. I think minor improvement are missing to usability.
    I often miss ability to make my own page ui, as douglsmith says. The wysiwyg editor should not be always at first, and we should be able to make custom editors for pages or some articles that have all the same redaction rules.

    Allow the the option for built-in, end user compression and caching to be turned on, such as minify and gzip. Give an amazing experience to the visitors and not just the admins!

    If we can compress and cache the our most root scripts, CSS and even HTML output, WordPress UX would take on a new level of achievement and efficiency.

    While WP Super Cache and Total Cache are great plugins, this root functionality should be provided to everyone IN WordPress.

    I think most of this is already in the pipeline anyway –

    * custom post type UI with custom field type dependent interface for datatypes (IE a file uploader for custom field type “file”
    * better taxonomy UI
    * Ajax reordering of pages (what is supposedly MPTT GSOC)
    * is_child!!!
    * a couple more functions for out of the box hierarchical menu building.
    * multiple admin emails
    * visual overhaul of the setttings section

    * very specific but would be cool: I recently did a WP install where two installations needed date from the other one. I ended up replicating a second wpdb in the theme function. Problem was: some loop functions worked with the new object reference, some (like custom fields) didn’t, and needed rewriting as well. So, complete abstraction of functions from the database access, at least for loop functions, would be cool. Well, maybe MU is already doing that, seems possible, but I don’t know MU.

    When uploading a picture and than inserting it into the post, let the USER decide, whether to link to its source or not (unlike 2.9, where it is linked automatically). The same thing with the size proposal. Don’t let WP decide, whether to automatically select a different size of the picture from the original one.

    Also allow somehow to “protect” some registered nicknames (like the admin’s nickname) from other users in the comments. So if Jerry is the admin, no one else on that blog could be named Jerry.

    (Could we make this a sticky post? I know that right now it is staying at the top because of all the comments, but it may soon begin to drop.)

    A minor feature I’d like to see added – on the plugin page (and maybe also the theme page) have little check boxes by each plugin where people could report if the plugin works with the current version or not. Have these report to this site when they save the page. It would give better feedback as to which plugins work, are broken by updates and even what plugins are in use.

    @djallyn – You could try bbPress for your forum?

    @hpguru – I must make it my New Years Resolution to read better! I know what you mean though. This one would do the job, but having never used it I’m not sure if it would force a user to answer a question even if they’ve registered and are logged in.

    @demetris – Sorry, I missed the link to your ordered list? ;p

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