• Plugin Author awesomesupport


    A major update of Awesome Support is coming soon. ?A release candidate is now available – you can use it to preview and evaluate the changes and updates that have been made.

    We STRONGLY urge you to download this version and test it on your test/staging site – this way you can be sure that no unexpected issues crop up when the final version is released!

    You can report any new?issues you encounter right here on www.ads-software.com or, if you own a valid license to one of our add-ons, open a ticket on our website.

    We hope you’re pleased with the additions and improvements we’ve made!

    Learn More and Download

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  • Spent a few minutes with 4.0.0 RC01, incomplete list of observations:

    All Tickets Page (WP-Admin and AS-Agent roles):
    – “All Status, All Clients, Ticket-ID” area dislocated, “jumps” around, screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/pR96ZL9.png
    – page slow, layout of above area changes by itself, some ajax going on, annoying lags
    – responsive view breaks table, screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/kUEiaMp.png

    Single Ticket (WP-Admin and AS-Agent roles):
    – “Ticket Statistics” metabox: fields are not populated on pre 4.x existing ticket (correct nr of replies is shown on “all tickets” page), fields are populated after user replies with 4.x active
    – “Individual Fields” metabox: nothing inside

    Single Ticket (AS-User role, Frontend):
    – After answer by user green “thank you” box is shown on top, but browser never scrolls there.

    – A tab “Basic Time Tracking” is available, functionality for a future paid add-on, this is against www.ads-software.com plugin guidelines #5 – https://developer.www.ads-software.com/plugins/wordpress-org/detailed-plugin-guidelines/
    – same for other settings like “Priority Management” etc. for PRODUCTIVITY add-on.

    – translations incomplete/changed, e.g. “Add New” in menu is not translated to german, some strings are different than 3.x, some translations are wrong/not accurate

    Plugin Author awesomesupport



    Thanks very much for the feed back – we’ll take a look at them.

    There is a new button under TICKETS->TOOLS->CLEANUP that allows you to re-calculate the replies statistics for all tickets including the older tickets.

    Can you clarify what you mean by “individual fields” metabox? Is there a title on the metabox that is blank?

    We’ll confer with other experienced WordPress developers on the potential www.ads-software.com issues. The listed functions work as is and does not require anything else (eg: basic time tracking works, priority works etc.) but new functionality related to them are parts of add-ons. Maybe you’re suggesting that the internal changes to support add-ons should not be listed out in a readme file?

    New strings are not translated yet – once the product is pushed users will be able to add translations for the new strings on poeditor.com.

    Thanks again for the feedback!

    The title of the empty metabox was “Individuelle Felder” (translated from “Custom fields” when looking into the .po). Please add settings to disable all these new extra metaboxes, if not yet available. Did a rollback to 3.x, so can’t provide screenshot for empty box and/or check settings page now.

    Did not see time tracking anywhere besides in settings, so it looked like all functionality would be in paid add-on.

    About the plugin guidelines in general, would suggest to not have any code which is used for paid add-on in free version. But that’s just me, you could ask www.ads-software.com, email is provided here.

    Will contact you directly via email about the translations, so a full (and correct) german translation for 4.0 could be ready before release.

    Plugin Author awesomesupport


    Hi @ov3rfly

    Thanks very much for the reply. All the metaboxes should have values in them. If you decide to install the RC again, can you please go to your TICKETS->SETTINGS screen and click the SAVE button to save the options again to the database? That should activate the contents of the empty metaboxes.

    The custom fields metabox should already contain the DEPT and PRODUCTS option if you’ve activated any one of those in 3.x.

    Thanks agin.

    Plugin Author awesomesupport


    We looked into the response issue – it does not present on an actual mobile device. It only presents on a desktop that is shrunken to a really small width.

    We looked into the response issue – it does not present on an actual mobile device.

    Could you provide a list of actual mobile devices which you did test?
    – Probably yes.

    Could you provide a list of actual mobile devices which you did not test?
    – No, you can’t.

    So this is still a bug. Current version of Awesome Support uses wp_is_mobile() to detect “actual mobile device”. Most people are not aware of the fact, that this function just compares $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] to a small list of hardcoded substrings, so any “actual mobile device” which does not identify with one of these substrings, like all small browser-windows on all desktops of every OS, will trigger this bug.

    Maybe a look at other plugins like e.g. Add Featured Image Column will help how to add a new second column without wp_is_mobile() hack..

    Plugin Author awesomesupport


    Hi @ov3rfly

    Are you asking if we tested all of the hundreds of devices available? The answer to that is (obviously) no. But we did run it through its paces on Browserstack (which is way more that most other plugins would probably even bother to do).

    If there is a popular device that you believe does not render properly please let us know and we’ll see if its available on Browserstack so we can take another look at it.

    I am still unsure of the use case of very small browser windows on desktops and why that is an issue though. Maybe you can help us understand the real-world scenario where desktop browser windows the size of mobile screens would be an issue for a helpdesk plugin?

    Thanks very much for your support of Awesome Support – its very much appreciated!

    Are you asking if we tested all of the hundreds of devices available

    No, I am just pointing out, that the currect “hack” will never support all devices available. The given technical details will be helpful for your developer.

    Maybe you can help us understand the real-world scenario where desktop browser windows the size of mobile screens would be an issue for a helpdesk plugin?

    View post on imgur.com

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