Hi there,
you used the last code present in the topic?
if ( ! function_exists( 'yith_wapo_check_db_400' ) ) { function yith_wapo_check_db_400() { // Add ?yith_addons=1 to the URL inside the admin panel will execute all the code. if ( isset( $_GET['yith_addons'] ) ) { global $wpdb; require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php' ); $blocks_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'yith_wapo_blocks'; $assoc_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'yith_wapo_blocks_assoc'; $charset_collate = $wpdb->get_charset_collate(); // 1. BLOCKS TABLE - START $sql_blocks = "CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}yith_wapo_blocks ( id INT(3) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id BIGINT(20), vendor_id BIGINT(20), settings LONGTEXT, priority DECIMAL(9,5), visibility INT(1), creation_date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, last_update TIMESTAMP, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, product_association varchar(255), exclude_products tinyint(1) NOT NULL, user_association varchar(255), exclude_users tinyint(1) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) $charset_collate;"; if ( function_exists( 'maybe_create_table' ) ) { maybe_create_table( $blocks_table, $sql_blocks ); } // CREATE COLUMNS FOR BLOCKS TABLE. $blocks_columns = array( 'name' => 'ALTER TABLE ' . $blocks_table . ' ADD name varchar(255) NOT NULL;', 'product_association' => 'ALTER TABLE ' . $blocks_table . ' ADD product_association varchar(255);', 'exclude_products' => 'ALTER TABLE ' . $blocks_table . ' ADD exclude_products tinyint(1) NOT NULL;', 'user_association' => 'ALTER TABLE ' . $blocks_table . ' ADD user_association varchar(255);', 'exclude_users' => 'ALTER TABLE ' . $blocks_table . ' ADD exclude_users tinyint(1) NOT NULL;', ); foreach ( $blocks_columns as $block_column => $block_statement ){ if ( function_exists( 'maybe_add_column' ) ) { maybe_add_column($blocks_table, $block_column, $block_statement); } } // BLOCKS TABLE - END // 2. BLOCKS ASSOC TABLE - START $sql_associations = "CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}yith_wapo_blocks_assoc ( rule_id bigint(20) NOT NULL, object varchar(255) NOT NULL, type varchar(50) NOT NULL, KEY type (type), KEY object (object) ) $charset_collate;"; if ( function_exists( 'maybe_create_table' ) ) { maybe_create_table($assoc_table, $sql_associations); } // CREATE COLUMNS FOR ASSOCIATION TABLE. $assoc_columns = array( 'rule_id' => 'ALTER TABLE ' . $assoc_table . ' ADD rule_id varchar(255) NOT NULL;', 'object' => 'ALTER TABLE ' . $assoc_table . ' ADD object varchar(255) NOT NULL;', 'type' => 'ALTER TABLE ' . $assoc_table . ' ADD type varchar(50) NOT NULL;', ); foreach ( $assoc_columns as $assoc_column => $assoc_statement ){ if ( function_exists( 'maybe_add_column' ) ) { maybe_add_column($assoc_table, $assoc_column, $assoc_statement); } } // BLOCKS ASSOC TABLE - END // 3. UPDATE OPTION - START update_option( 'yith_wapo_db_update_scheduled_for', '2.0.0' ); update_option( 'yith_wapo_db_version_option', '2.0.0' ); //UPDATE OPTION - END } } add_action( 'admin_init', 'yith_wapo_check_db_400' ); }
Then try to visit your site adding the following url
Note: you need to change yoursite.com and add your domain.
Note2: I suggest you to execute the code on a staging site before to set it on production. In this way you’ll prevent to generate problems on your production site.
Please, try it and let me know.