• Hello all helpful people out there.

    I was reading through the help files relating to Pages and how to manage them.

    I was hoping to create front page like a welcome page for my blog before people get in to the meat and bones of the thing.

    while reading the information it says and I quote

    ” Using a Page as the Front Page (version 2.1+ only)

    WordPress 2.1 introduced the Option to conveniently set any Page as your Front Page. Go to Options -> Reading in the WordPress Admin interface. Under the “Front Page” heading, you can choose to set any (published) Page or Posts Page as the Front Page. “

    when I go to Options -> Reading I get Blog Pages and Syndication feeds and that is it, now I believe I am running version 2.3.3 but maybe not.

    Any suggestions on why I can’t see the front page would be appreciated.

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  • Above that it should say: “front page”, “front page displays 1) your latest posts, 2) a static page”.

    Check the bottom of any page in your admin to see what version you’re really on. As long as I work with WP (2.1 or so), this option has been on that very place.

    Any suggestions on why I can’t see the front page would be appreciated.

    Because you do NOT have any Pages created in your blog. If there are no Pages… there is nothing to select.
    Go first in admin > Write > Write Page and create the 2 Pages you want to use as frontpage and “posts page”, respectively, and then return to the Options > Reading.

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