Version within Code (1.4.6->1.4.8)?
Hello – I noticed that with the latest update to v1.4.8, I get this message when I submit my website to Google Webmaster Tools “Fetch As Google” using “Fetch and Render”:
Googlebot couldn't get all resources for this page. Here's a list: htt?p:/?/<MYDOMAIN?.co?m/w?p-c?ont?ent?/pl?ugi?ns/?wp-?jqu?ery?-li?ght?box?/jq?uer?y.l?igh?tbo?x.m?in.?js??ver?=1.?4.6
I’ve cleared all website caching etc, but the message above still appears. I searched the underlying plugin code which appears to reference 1.4.6 at various points, while the latest plugin version itself is 1.4.8.
Interestingly, everything seems to be working great, only the “Fetch as Google” oddity above occurs. Is there any advice on how to avoid this?
Thank you kindly in advance.
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