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  • Sorry ULF, I dont have a clue what to do with the above decription, can you elaborate more or even cut and paste the whole modified wp-dtree.php for me to use..

    Or better mail it to me at [email protected]

    Best Johan

    Delete everything from (and including) line 116 to 167, and replace with the following:

    if ( !function_exists('init_wp_dtree_widget_goodness') )
    function init_wp_dtree_widget_goodness()
    		if ( !function_exists('register_sidebar_widget') ) {
    		function widget_wp_dtree_get_archives($args) {
    	    	$wpdtreeopt = get_option('wp_dtree_options');  	
    	        echo $before_widget . "<li>";
    	        echo $before_title . $wpdtreeopt['arcopt']['topnode'] . $after_title . "<ul>";
    	        if (function_exists('silpstream_wp_dtree_get_archives')){
    	        echo $after_widget . "</ul></li>";
    		function widget_wp_dtree_get_categories($args) {
    	    	$wpdtreeopt = get_option('wp_dtree_options');  	
    	        echo $before_widget;
    	        echo $before_title . $wpdtreeopt['catopt']['topnode'] . $after_title . "<ul>";
    			if (function_exists('silpstream_wp_dtree_get_categories')){
    			} else {
    	        echo $after_widget . "</ul></li>";
    		function widget_wp_dtree_get_pages($args) {
    	    	$wpdtreeopt = get_option('wp_dtree_options');  	
    	        echo $before_widget;
    	        echo $before_title . $wpdtreeopt['pgeopt']['topnode'] . $after_title . "<ul>";;
    	        if (function_exists('silpstream_wp_dtree_get_pages')) {
    			} else {
    	        echo $after_widget . "</ul></li>";
    		register_sidebar_widget('WP-dTree Pages', 'widget_wp_dtree_get_pages');
    		register_sidebar_widget('WP-dTree Archives', 'widget_wp_dtree_get_archives');
    		register_sidebar_widget('WP-dTree Categories', 'widget_wp_dtree_get_categories');

    NOTE: this is an ugly work around and doesn’t fix the cause of your problems. I’ve not tested it but I see no reason why it shouldn’t work. But then again – you shouldn’t be having that problem to begin with…

    ulfben, it is a theme problem. I tried with the default theme and it is showing the Wp-dtrees. I don’t know why it is not showing for my theme. I have uploaded my theme here. Please fix the problem at your end. I have deleted almost all other plugin code in the theme so that it works at your end.

    Sorry, but unless you’re hiring me to fix it I suggest you sort out your own code.

    How much will it cost to fix it for my theme? I cannot find your email address to contact you.

    Tell you what – buy me a book or two and I’ll happily sort it out for you.

    Don’t hesitate to buy used copies – it’s the content I’m after, not the covers. I buy the second hand stuff all the time so I can buy several books at once. ??

    If you think that’s reasonable, just send me an email at ulf at ulfben dot com. I can have your theme done by this evening.

    maybe this is a stupid question, but, how do i prevent pages from showing up in my category tree when i have it set to show posts under categories?

    i have the exact same problem as freeboards4u. fatal error while activating the plugin, something about the widget thing…

    i’ve been using the “old” wp-dtree version before, but i can’t see how that is the problem, considering that i deleted that folder and deactivated the plugin…

    Boober – download the plugin again, that behaviour is gone now. I really should do a better job of versioning my updates…

    If anyone wants pages to show in their tree(archives or categories), just open wp-dtree_arc-functions.php or wp-dtree_cat-functions.php and search for $checkPostType.

    I’ve left the extended query (allowing pages in the tree) in the comments, just put it back in.

    eikman – did you try the fix I posted for freeboard’s problems?

    yes i did, and i get the following fatal error afterwards:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare silpstream_wp_dtree_add_option_page() (previously declared in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\wp-dtree-30\wp-dtree.php:173) in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\wp-dtree-30\wp-dtree.php on line 176

    my theme does not support widgets, but i get the same error(s) with the default theme…

    Disable all your other plugins and tell me if anything changes.

    tried it – no change.

    eikman – what version of WP and PHP do you run?

    2.3 and PHP4

    i tried it on my other (online) blog and it activates just fine. i suppose the problem is my local webserver. never mind ??

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