• Instructions on page edit screen say to go to widgets page, select archives tab and select product categories, well that option doesnt even exist.
    Was hoping this would allow us to add a sidebar to our woocommerce pages.

    This plugin has options that are useless. Totally worthless plugin. Just another plugin to try and get you to buy something.

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  • I think you’ve got this plugin confused with something else.

    it works great – from appearance > theme sidebars – create a sidebar, assign which default widget sidebar to replace using dropdown, select the different post types the side bar is to be replaced for… done, the new replacement sidebar appears in widget area, and displays on the post type you assigned it to

    actually a lifesaver

    Plugin Author Sunny Johal


    @rockethead2 this plugin does not prompt you to purchase any sort of premium version. In fact, there is no premium version of the plugin everything you need to do is included in this plugin. Disappointed in this rating. Thanks @wasanajones for your comment, much appreciated.

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