• This is a brilliant plugin.

    I have been using Flex Posts with the Gutenberg editor to create magazine-style landing pages with sections showcasing posts from different categories.

    This plugin makes it super easy and the results look great. I have also found additional CSS styling to be a breeze as the html generated by this plugin is very clear and logical with classes for all of the elements. Very well done!

    The four supplied post layouts are great, but can be styled further by displaying with or without images, or just the first post image – enabling the creating of an index page similar to Apple News or popular news sites. Being able to insert FP as widgets in the sidebar as well as a blocks in the main page makes it even more versatile.

    FP allows you to select posts of all, or a single category, and further filter them by tags. Brilliant for creating sections of distinct content. The only missing feature is the ability to exclude certain tags (e.g. display all posts in recipes, but exclude those tagged ‘reviews’). This is nit-picking as the overall functionality is brilliant.

    Each FP block can display up to 100 posts (!) and these can be shown newest first, oldest first or random – which bring readers to content they might otherwise not come across – It also keeps your page live with fresh content. You can make FP sections look different by displaying or excluding excerpts, author, date, category etc. This makes even no-image lists look interesting. One surprising omission is that there is not option to display a read-more link or button – something that is standard on most plugins like this. Instead readers are forced to click on the title or image to get to the full article. In practise I have found this works just fine.

    Another feature I would like to see added in future updates is a way to change excerpt length as FP seems to pull this from WP global settings, but it would be nice to be able to set it on a per-block basis.

    The only issue I have run into is a conflict with Lazy Loader plugin although it only affects the back-end editor, not the front-end view. If I try to edit a page with Flex Posts in Gutenberg editor it does not pull in preview posts unless I disable Lazy Loading plugin first. This is a irritation but not a major flaw as everything still works even if you leave Lazy Loading active – you just don’t get to see the live-preview in the Gutenberg editor.

    Congratulations to the Author for creating a very professional plugin.

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  • Plugin Author Tajam


    Thanks a lot for your detailed review and feedback. Read more link and excerpt length are on the todo list for future updates. Could you tell me which lazy load plugin do you use? We will try to fix any compatibility issues if it’s possible.

    Thread Starter Keirwatson


    It’s this one Lazy Loader by Florian Brinkman and MarcDK

    I have pointed out the issue to them and they say they don’t think they can fix it from their end.

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