Very frustrating :(
– It has the worst UI ever seen.
– It replaced the whole .htacess file and occupy it, it removed other plugins settings (like AIO Security & wordfense) and even the original WordPress code without asking for approval or permission and didn’t show enough details about what it was intended to do.
Sorry you don’t like the UI.
When you run the BPS Setup Wizard the Setup Wizard checks if you are using any additional htaccess code that is not BPS htaccess code and displays this message:
Custom additional htaccess code was found in your current root htaccess file. Your root htaccess file has been backed up and zipped in this zip file: /bulletproof-security/admin/wizard/ Click the Download Root htaccess File button to download your file to your computer. Click this forum link: for help information about what this means and what to do.
[Button: Download Root htaccess File]BPS is designed as a master htaccess file creator and manager. BPS has a Custom Code feature where you can combine all other custom htaccess code or htaccess code from other plugins into the BPS htaccess files. The reason BPS creates new master htaccess files is because BPS htaccess files and code are very advanced and include/incorporate the standard WordPress Rewrite htaccess code in the BPS root htaccess file. Most other security plugins like AIO and Wordfence just create simple/basic stand-alone htaccess code. Also other security plugins like AIO and Wordfence may be using simplified versions or less extensive htaccess code than BPS htaccess code and it is probably redundant htaccess code that already comes with BPS htaccess files.
So what you want to do are these steps to combine other plugins htaccess code or additional custom code into BPS Custom Code:
Root htaccess File Custom Code Setup Steps
1. Enter your custom code in the appropriate Root Custom Code text box.
2. Click the Save Root Custom Code button to save your Root custom code.
3. Go to the Security Modes page and click the Create secure.htaccess File AutoMagic button.
4. Select the Activate Root Folder BulletProof Mode Radio button and click the Activate|Deactivate button.Additional Help Info:
BPS Custom Code video tutorial:
BPS FAQ explains that BPS is master htaccess file creator and manager and creates new htaccess files for you website: you are not sure where to add your additional htaccess code or if the additional htaccess code is redundant to BPS code then create a user account on the BPS free forum here: and post your additional htaccess code so we can tell you specifically where it goes in BPS Custom Code or if the additional code is already included in BPS and is redundant and does need to be added to your BPS master htaccess files.
Also just wanted to mention that when using several plugins that do similar or the same things then you want to be very careful about which features you choose to use in each plugin. You do not want to choose to use the same or similar features in all of the plugins because they will most likely conflict with each other.
Example: You would choose which Login Security feature to use in either BPS, AIO or Wordfence and would not try to use Login Security in all these plugins because that would be a direct plugin conflict since all of the plugins are doing a similar or the same thing.
– The message you mentioned
Custom additional .htaccess code was found in your current root .htaccess file ……
told me it backed up my file, it didn’t tell me my code in .htaccess will be completely eliminated!
– I already installed AIO Security & WordFence and both of them has its section which is declared by a comment in .htaccess file no one writes on others code.
– You said
BPS is master htaccess file creator and manager and creates new htaccess files for you website.
You as the developer of the plugin think this is OK. For me (and anyone I guess), do you think this is a predictable behavior ?!
I think you should tell the site admin this tool will delete your current .htaccess and create a brand new one which makes your current installed security plugins useless!!! and if he agreed with you, you may advice him to uninstall that useless security plugins!!– You said
when using several plugins that do similar or the same things then you want to be very careful about which features you choose to use in each plugin. You do not want to choose to use the same or similar features in all of the plugins because they will most likely conflict with each other.
You are absolutely right and I think so, more than this I look into .htaccess files while testing the various security plugins to confirm that there is no conflict or overwrite.
– Basically I use WordFence & AIO and while I search for other good security plugins I found reviews recommended yours among others. When I checked the plugin page I expected a very good plugin but i have been chocked!, your plugin may have a very good internals but for the
externals (UI) and that unpredictable behavior it’s not, sorry.– By the way consider checking the UI on a screen resolution like Full HD.
– Thank you for your reply and be sure I’ll give it a test again with the future versions.
I’ll have a BPS Developer look at your comments. Thanks.
Hello emadfathy,
I am one of the BPS Developers. Eventually the BPS Setup Wizard will automatically add other custom htaccess code and also other plugin’s htaccess code and automatically combine it into the BPS htaccess files. In the meantime until that automation code is added to the Setup Wizard, the Setup Wizard detects other htaccess code that is not BPS htaccess code and automatically creates a zip backup of your current root htaccess file. You can then use BPS Custom Code to combine the additional|other htaccess code from your zip backup of your root htaccess file into BPS Custom Code to make a master htaccess file that contains BPS htaccess security code and all other custom or plugin’s htaccess code.
These are going to be the problem areas|scenarios with doing that type of automation in the Setup Wizard.
Problem Area:
Untrusted|Potentially Unsafe|Problematic Code: 5G|6G|Advanced htaccess code and other htaccess code used in AIO, Wordfence WAF Firewall htaccess code. Both of these blocks of htaccess code in AIO and Wordfence are known to cause websites to crash|not load|other problems. Most likely we will not automate adding known problematic code into BPS htaccess files and will instead display a warning message and have users manually add these known problematic blocks of htaccess code using BPS Custom Code. Logic|Rationale: If BPS automatically adds known problematic code to BPS htaccess files then users will assume the bad|problematic code is BPS code and will not realize that the bad|problematic code is AIO or Wordfence htaccess code. Troubleshooting will then become overly complex. A definite method|solution for handling this scenario is not finalized yet and is still being debated on what the best method and course of action to take should be.Non-Problem Area:
Trusted|Safe Code: Automatically modifying BPS htaccess code and creating custom whitelist rules code for known issues|problems where BPS is blocking something legitimate in another plugin or theme. BPS htaccess code has been tested on 1,000’s of web hosts worldwide and works consistently|safely on 99.99% of web hosts worldwide. The BPS htaccess code is therefore considered trusted|safe code.Trusted|Safe Code: W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache htaccess caching code and other trusted|safe plugin’s htaccess code will automatically be combined into BPS htaccess files in the correct position|hierarchy in BPS htaccess files.
I will personally test BPS at Full HD resolution and if visual changes are needed I will perform those changes.
Thank you for your feedback.
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