• Photoswipe technology is a big innovation in lightbox. Up until now the main commercial level lightbox code has come from FancyBox who have gone entirely proprietary for version 4. All of the FancyBox lightbox plugins are based on v3 which was finished in 2019. With some luck and hard work, Photoswipe is the future of lightbox technology although it’s under a strange license now. Photoswipe is open source except for WordPress plugin developers. Fortunately the creator has made an exception for Arno Welzel, who has created a very good WordPress version.

    I’m still using ARI fancybox after head-to-head testing.

    What didn’t I like?

    • There’s no option to go directly to full-full screen which ARI fancybox has. Great when everything disappears except the image (for photo websites which mine is), looks great on mobile too with no browser chrome.
    • Captions on mobile can be tapped on or off. The issue is that with captions on, there is a large grey transparent strip at the bottom of the image. With this band, the images don’t look good which means captions have to be turned off. With captions turned off there Tapping on and off is just too much work for visitors. Neither experience is ideal. On ARI fancybox, there’s no background on my courier-typeface captions which are easily readable on almost all images. Could be eliminated in CSS and I may do this in the future.
    • Facebook sharing. I don’t like Facebook at all but my audience is on Facebook and need a way not to share posts but specific images to Facebook. ARI fancybox lets me enter a Facebook app key (pain to make of course) and really share single images in a large format. The ARI fancybox Facebook share then links the image to the full post which suits me best. This could be custom-coded in Lightbox with Photoswipe but my other lightbox does Facebook sharing the way I want it out of the box.
    • EXIF information. EXIF info is a huge plus for Lightbox with Photoswipe but unfortunately the visual presentation is pretty awful. Arno should take a look at how Jordy Meow presents EXIF info in Meow Lightbox Pro. Looks great on desktop! (Arno should not look at the incredibly slow-loading and clumsy code though. Meow Lightbox knocks my site down 25 to 30 points in Google Page Insights all by itself, and behaves strangely on mobile which is why I pulled the otherwise attractive and easy to use Meow Lightbox from my sites.)

    In favour of Lightbox for Photoswipe:

    • In Lightbox for Photoswipe’s favour, the sharing buttons are much more elegantly handled. Except that neither the share nor close buttons work in landscape mode at least on my iPhone 11 Pro Max running iOS 13. Broken touch buttons is a serious issue as it will frustrate end users. Arno should fix this issue ASAP.

    I went back and forth three or four times with ARI fancybox (which I already owned) and Lightbox for Photoswipe, with extensive Facebook sharing testing and mobile testing. The contest was closer than the list above shows. Both plugins are robust on mobile, allowing turning the phone around and quick swiping between images reliably.

    It’s a thankless job building pro-level free lightbox plugins. Arno Welzel has done an extraordinary job with Lightbox for Photoswipe. Five stars with room for improvement.

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  • Plugin Author Arno Welzel


    Thank you for your nice review!

    I’ll see what I can do to improve things in the future. However there are some things i’d like to comment right away:

    About the Facebook sharing option using app keys: I don’t known anything at all about this and I don’t use Facebook myself on a regular basis. Since I don’t get paid for my work on this plugin my motivation to research the technical requirements, add the code and test everything, is quite limited (I expect at least a couple hours of work to get this done right). I am also not sure if I’d like to spend time to add features to support a company like Facebook at all.

    About the full screen display when opening the lightbox: There are certain technical limitations why this is not possible yet. Browsers do not allow to request fullscreen mode whenever a scripts wants to. This is only allowed within an event handler as a direct reaction to a user interaction – for example when the user clicked an element or pressed a key. However when PhotoSwipe opens its lightbox the initial user interaction was already handled by the frontend script and within PhotoSwipe it is too late to request full screen mode – browsers will just ignore it at this point. I’ve already tried this. The only dirty hack would be to go to fullscreen *before* the lightbox opens, but this looks quite ugly and would need additional changes in the fullscreen API code of PhotoSwipe itself. I hope you understand that this is not that easy as it may look like. My personal opinion is also that it is bad style to force full screen mode without clear user interaction. I don’t thank that people expects something like this when just clicking an image inside a web page. Even YouTube or Vimeo do not offer a way to open a video with full screen automatically when clicking the play button.

    About the EXIF display: yes, I know that is very basic and I also know the Meow Lightbox Pro styling as shown in https://meowapps.com/meow-lightbox-tutorial/#mwl-16801. You can style everything in my plugin as well, see the FAQ:

    pswp__caption__exif – this class is used for the EXIF data DIV element.

    pswp__caption__exif_focal, pswp__caption__exif_fstop, pswp__caption__exif_shutter, pswp__caption__exif_iso, pswp__caption__exif_datetime – these classes are used for the individual properties in the EXIF data.

    I don’t know the copyright situation of the icons used by Meow Lightbox Pro – but I don’t expect them to be public domain or CC. If you have a source where one can get these icons for free I will add this as an option to my plugin as well.

    Hi Arno,

    I totally understand and share your position on Facebook. Unfortunately my visitors do use Facebook. Having a half-broken Facebook sharing tool as you won’t take the trouble to build it properly is a bit silly though. I’d suggest you either bring Facebook sharing up to standard (sharing a specific image in full size format, 2048 pixels at least) with a link to the post. I have this running on the front-end on uncoy.com right now on all of the soccer photo posts.

    The full-screen explanation makes sense to me for most sites. On our commercial site we would not consider lightbox images important enough to take over the monitor window. The issue with a photo gallery is that if a single click does not go to full-full screen mode, a publisher is asking a visitor to click twice to see an optimal presentation. That’s too much to ask. On the other hand, by making the window full screen and the image full screen, the visitor must press escape twice to go back to normal browsing – first escape exits full screen, second escape exits lightbox. Ideally escape from this full screen mode would also exit the lightbox if a single click on the image both enters lightbox and full screen mode.

    Then when one is talking about mobile interface presenting any browser chrome is a disaster for showcasing images. So going straight to full screen mode makes much more sense.

    Please don’t forget about the issue of the close and share buttons not working in landscape mode on iPhones. I see that ARI fancybox which I have active now also has issues with the top right close button (sharing buttons on the left do work). The issue for Lightbox with Photoswipe is that you have the share button up on the top right as well so there’s no other way to access sharing other than rotating the phone to portrait view (after much frustration, trying to use the button in landscape mode).

    In terms of unpaid work, I have paid for one lightbox ARI fancybox and would pay for another one if it worked better. ARI fancybox was not expensive, it was just $19 with no domain limitation. I also paid for $49 Meow Lightbox Pro only to be disappointed by performance issues and display on mobile issues. I’d pay for another one if it would improve visitors’ experience.


    • performance (required) in Google Page Speed
    • solid mobile support including full screen with no chrome or bands or any distractions
    • EXIF support (again with attractive layout)
    • robust sharing to Facebook (specific image passed to Facebook, link to post and not to image on CDN)

    I might decide to do the custom layout in CSS using classes as you suggested but I’d rather have a lightbox which worked more or less right out of the box. With the long list of software to fix or build in front of me taking on additional one-off projects would not be particularly efficient.

    Plugin Author Arno Welzel


    In short: if you want to get something done following exactly your specifications you need to have it done as a contracted work. There is no alternative.

    Can we please continue this conversion via e-mail? WordPress plugin reviews are not the right place for such a discussion – thank you!

    You find my contact address at https://arnowelzel.de/en/about-me

    Plugin Author Arno Welzel


    One word about Facebook sharing as I just have read your comment in detail:

    The function is part of Photoswipe itself and was not created by me. See https://photoswipe.com – which is also no by me, I just maintain the WordPress plugin and try to improve PhotoSwipe where needed and possible.

    So please don’t tell me “half-broken Facebook sharing tool as you won’t take the trouble to build it properly is a bit silly though.” – I did not create the sharing feature in the first place and it was not my decision either to have Facebook as sharing option, it’s just provided as it is in PhotoSwipe.

    Hi Arno,

    You wrote:

    One word about Facebook sharing as I just have read your comment in detail: The function is part of Photoswipe itself and was not created by me.

    The Facebook sharing doesn’t work well. My own opinion about development is that broken features should not be included. So if you can’t be bothered to fix the Facebook sharing (you don’t need it, use it or like Facebook: I share your opinion but my use case does require Facebook), then you should remove that feature until you can be bothered to make it work properly.

    That said, it’s open source and you only have to do what you want to do. Hence my 5 star review. I’m grateful for what you did do and not cross about what you didn’t do.

    I’m getting on fairly well with ARI Fancybox these days so fighting Lightbox issues is not a worthwhile battle for me just now.

    Keep on making the world more beautiful, Arno!

    Plugin Author Arno Welzel


    I am reluctant to remove features which are included from the beginning as part of Photoswipe itself as there may be people who really use this. The way how Photoswipe implemented this, follows the official documentation by Facebook itself:


    If you don’t want to use that option, just disable it in the backend settings. You can also create a custom script on your server which handles all the sharing stuff and use it through a custom sharing URL in the settings. My plugin may not have everything out of the box, but I try to give users the possibility to expand it wherever possible.

    About iOS 13:

    I don’t have any iOS 13 device and I don’t know anyone who has. So I am not able to fix this – at least not for the next 6-12 months.

    However – pull requests are always welcome! See https://github.com/arnowelzel/lightbox-photoswipe

    Plugin Author Arno Welzel


    Oh and by the way: you can also modify the layout of EXIF display as well – everything is documented in the FAQ:


    Plugin Author Arno Welzel


    Version 3.3 now provides a nicer EXIF display as well.

    Plugin Author Arno Welzel


    Version 5 is now in development which will include Photoswipe 5. This should work much better on iOS 13 and later and it will not provide any sharing options at all, since this is not part of Photoswipe any more. Maybe this will be added as a Photoswipe plugin in the future, but so far I need to concentrate on the more important things like caption handling etc..

    As sneak preview see for yourself:


    Arno, version 5 looks stunning. I’ll have to give it a try. I have something not too bad working with ARI Fancybox and Media Metadata (sample) now but what you’ve built is more polished.

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