Need assistance changing my site
Hello! I’m new to doing this so please bare with me, i’m sure i will have many many questions whilst i get to grips with this!
Someone very helpful told me to register here “You need to post your question about your self-hosted site using the standalone WP software over here> If you don’t have a username there, you’ll need to register one.” so i hope i’m in the right place now!
I run a pet website but I am having trouble with some of the item images.
For some reason, the main picture goes to whatever size it wants. For example, if you clicked onto the Pet Toys catagory, one image will be one size and then another image will be double the size. If i go in and edit the size of the picture, it doesnt change the picture size in the catagory, but if i click onto the item, the image is really tiny!I also want to add in a “brand” filter bar so i can get rid of all the cr*p down the side, or if anyone knows why the main product catagories dont condense? It doesnt give you the option to minimise them ??
If anyone can help me i would be really very greatful!
Thanks a lot,
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