• Hello~!
    I am really eager to get started with WordPress however, I think there are a number of things I am not aware of in order to get it working properly. Perhaps, a brief bit of background: I have a blogspot up now with blogger but since blogger doesn’t offer much options for having categories and a calendar on your blog, I figure I’ll try wordpress. But, whoever decides to help me out here, keep in mind I know *nothing* about php, databases and My SQL so anything that needs to be explained to me regarding these areas, can I ask that it please be explained in as much detail as possible. I do know the basics about css, and I know HTML and tables, however.

    I am working on a Mac OS X.
    My Web Hosting Provider is: MediaTemple
    (I just notice them listed on this site…will read up on that.)

    -So, I downloaded the wordpress package.
    -I unzipped it and stored it in my Downloads folder.
    -I opened the wp-config-sample.php file in TextEdit and made the necessary changes to it. (but perhaps I could email what that file looks like to whomever is gracious enough to take time to help me here, just so I can be checked because I am only about 90% confident about what I changed is correct.)
    -I saved the file in the wordpress folder as wp-config.php
    -And then, this is where I am at now…it says “Upload everything” in the installation instructions. So what I did was, I copied the wordpress folder to my websites local folder on my mac…and then, using Dreamweaver MX2004, I “put” or uploaded that whole folder, including dependent files (this took about 20 minutes!), onto my remote server.

    I guess I just want to make sure I am doing everything properly so far. I may need someone to really walk me through this step by sep, perhaps emailing back and forth, if that is possible.

    Thank You so much.

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