• I am working with a client that wants this for wordpress:

    The WordPress pages will be password protected tabbed sets. Clicking on a link in the Flash portal will take users to their ‘class set’ log-in. Visitors who can’t pass the log-in will be taken to a different set and given limited access and a tour or the option to return to the portal. (we still need to work out how those sets will be defined in the first place and how to relate them to specific class log-ins)
    There doesn’t need to be a registration process as this will only be available to a set group of users. These users will have access to their own class sets only and will be given their passwords by their admin.

    I would see a class set as containing a common ‘main page’, the users own page with self-intros and personal galleries, articles of interest to the class and cross-posts to other user’s blogs and my home pages (with the blogroll linking to other user’s pages). Down the track, we could easily set automatic reviews with plugins like ‘On This Day’ in the user’s page.

    Is there any widgets that can do all of this within wordpress? Or is this something that needs to be done from scratch php/mysql. If it can’t be done with wordpress, can anyone recommend any scripts I could use to do these things?

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  • Is there any widgets that can do all of this within wordpress? .


    If it can’t be done with wordpress, can anyone recommend any scripts I could use to do these things?


    When people use the word “client” in posts, the first thing that comes to mind is $ — time to earn your cash I guess, or share some of it with knows code and not just how to manipulate a .psd.

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