• Tom Harrison


    I’m great at the tech stuff, and happy enough editing php, but I have been doing a lot of sites for clients and want to “hand them the keys”. This theme is the tool for the job. I get things set up to start, and then show them how to use the theme customizations.


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  • jeremymccann


    What theme?



    He’s referring to atahualpa, see the post tag to the right —>

    Clayton James


    What theme?


    This theme is the tool for the job

    You’re not kidding.

    I started out to fetch the “header.php” today in order to manually add page number exclusions to the nav bar, for some product demo videos I didn’t want linked there. Just as I fired up the ftp, I remembered thinking I had seen settings for page exclusions somewhere in the themes’ options. Sure enough. I popped in the excluded page id’s, saved the changes, and for 2 minutes today, I was a hero. This theme just keeps growing on me.



    “growing on me”

    is it a bad or a good thing ?

    I mean, I have this theme on my panel and swtiched to blix. I may considere the switch if it is a good thing. ??



    Cool I was able to swtich the them from blix to Atahualpa !!! Such big task for me, no kidding.



    Personally i can make changes quicker by hand then with admin features, but that’s relative to my level of understanding of code…

    Ata is a great theme for anyone that’s not too great with code and wants to be able to customise without the headache of fiddling in the template.

    Plus you also get the collective knowledge of every ata user that posts if you want to change something or you get stuck, that can be a blessing for some.

    This theme is great, but it uses tables for layout. ouch. Are there plans to modernize it?

    What theme? I can see no theme. can you show me?

    This is an awesome theme. I just redesigned my site https://reachingmydreams.com/photography.html (soon to have a redirect on the index page) to using this theme for the entire site https://reachingmydreams.com/wp/

    Had I known this theme would be so freakin’ easy and wonderful and EXACTLY what I’ve been looking for… I would have installed in the index directory ??

    I would have installed in the index directory ??

    so move it

    This may be an elementary question, reachingmydreams, but how do you use your atahualpa theme for your website?

    Ata is a great theme for anyone that’s not too great with code and wants to be able to customise without the headache of fiddling in the template.

    I agree. I’ve looked at it a couple of times, but I’ve never been able to make it through all the options–option overload ?? But, it is a cool theme for people who want options…

    I think it would be a more impressive theme if the developers would respond to questions w/o shilling. I am all for supporting good themes, but if you can’t get a simple question answered in their forum… promises of “upgrade to gold/silver/brownnoser & you’ll get a response” don’t exactly make a potential donor optimistic. I’ve worked w/both and, while Ata has more user-friendliness than Thesis, at least the Thesis community makes an effort to answer questions.

    Just to add: I would totally donate to Ata & be a goldstar gal if I thought I might actually GET an answer.

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