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  • Thanks, Hanni!

    Putting aside the current imbroglio I am completely and wholly supportive of any one who wants to host the interface range. I always have been. I encourage and support the user community in their efforts and thank Nuke; Hanni and others who have stepped up to the plate in this regard. I believe the distributed hosted model is the best way forward any way.
    I am flattered that notwithstanding what are clearly their self evident deficiencies other folks should be willing to share a little of their bandwidth by hosting the range and good luck to them. If any body goes further and embraces and extends them then good luck to them as well. I have long believed that open source requires participation and sharing, *competition* and innovation. My simple templates are no more than a basic adaption of the default index and the necessary adjustment to the CSS. It is not rocket science. What I hope they do is free up users from CSS positioning and let them get on with the *design*. One of the things that has pleased me most is the way that some users have improved and developed their own design skills beyond all recognition once they had a stable platform to work on.
    I also hope that whatever the terms of the debate; that the WordPress interface is firmly where it belongs – on the agenda. Furthermore many more users are now equipped with the common currency of the language necessary to engage in that debate. Even 9 months ago there was no mention of clearing floats and such to be found in these forums at all. Many many people have contributed to that process, and I would like to thank them all. Good luck and keep on rocking ??

    I’d recommend
    width: 20em; // or thereabouts, try a few values
    for #menu and #rmenu
    Quoting widths in “em” instead of “px” means that the menus expand and contract according to the display font size – so text doesn’t spill over when font size is changed.
    Your text will still overrun the menu border if it’s longer than 20 characters (or whatever the number of em’s is).

    Well, the problem I was referring to went away since I posted that. Continuing to hack at it. Coming along nicely. Should be an excellent resource for my site.

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