• Kir 2012


    Hi there, I just realised that after activating RT Media, the video camera upload option on my mobile phone has disappeared. Clicking the add media button no longer opens the option of selecting to choose video camera, only normal camera. Is there something I should do in the settings? I couldn’t see anything, or a function to enable video upload on mobiles?
    Kind thanks

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  • Plugin Author Pavan Patil



    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    I attempted to reproduce the issue you described, but I couldn’t encounter it. Everything seems to be working as expected – https://nimb.ws/kGtdsL

    Could you please check with the default WordPress theme and see if the problem persists?



    Thread Starter Kir 2012


    Hello good morning, thank you for coming back to me – I already tried with the default theme before I posted and the outcome was the same. I also tried on another andriod phone. Is your phone android or apple?

    Looking back at what could be possible causing it, I have dequeued the style sheets the main sheet and min, and then requeued them from child theme, could this maybe have something to do with it? (There were some important statements in the styling I needed to override). Perhaps I’ve made a mistake there, and that has caused it? Here is the code:

    function my_theme_enqueue_styles() {
        wp_enqueue_style( 'my-theme-style', get_stylesheet_uri() );
     wp_enqueue_style('my-theme-extra-style', get_theme_file_uri('rtmedia.css') );
     wp_enqueue_style('my-theme-extra-style', get_theme_file_uri('rtmedia.min.css') );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_theme_enqueue_styles' );
    function rt_remove_default_style(){  
        wp_dequeue_style( 'rtmedia-main' );
        wp_dequeue_style( 'rtmedia-min' );
    Thread Starter Kir 2012


    Actually, that wouldn’t show up as an issue when I swapped theme to wp default would it, so now I’m not sure what it could be

    Thread Starter Kir 2012


    I also deactivated all plugins and that didn’t solve it

    Thread Starter Kir 2012


    Just in case it helps, I tried activating the plugin activity plus as this includes a video upload, and this prompts the video camera on mob phone without any issue https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/bp-activity-plus-reloaded/

    Plugin Author Pavan Patil



    You must not remove the default rtMedia styles as they are responsible for showing/hiding uploader section. Instead of this, you can use?!important?keyword or more specific DOM target to override the styles.



    Thread Starter Kir 2012


    Hi Pavan thanks for your reply, as I understand it when there is already an important statement it isn’t possible to override that, and there was already a statement applied to image styles, causing activity img to stretch, also styling to the media profile page which was overriding my theme styles for item list tabs / nav and subnav. That is all that was amended, and then the 2 style sheets were re-enqueued as is, using the above code in functions doc, so they’re still active, is that not correct?.

    Were your tests above on iPhone? I read back from other feedbacks that there have been historical issues with video upload from android, could this be the same issue?

    Thread Starter Kir 2012


    Hi there, think I found the issue, after a load of testing it seems to be coming from the plugin – when you enable privacy option for users this disables the option to use the camcorder, can this be resolved?
    Kind regards

    Thread Starter Kir 2012


    Additional: after activating privacy options, when you deactivate it, you still don’t have the option for the camcorder.

    My workaround for this was to install a new instance of the RT Media on a different installation of buddypress, export the settings from that without privacy option active, and then import them into the installation I’m working on, and this changes the settings successfully to reactivate camcorder.

    Thread Starter Kir 2012


    Additional: it’s not only the privacy setting, it seems when some of the notifications settings are turned on this also impacts the camcorder setting, causing it to disappear.
    Many thanks

    Thread Starter Kir 2012


    Hi, additional info in case it’s useful, if I reactivate Music in types, after camcorder has been deactivated by other settings, that reactivates it. I’ve tried this on two completely different installations of Buddypress with the same result. Hope that helps.

    Plugin Author Pavan Patil



    Style: If rtMedia’s styles are causing problems with your styles, then you can adjust the necessary styles in plugins to fix those problems. The rtMedia provides basic styles that used to show simple UI. Feel free to change according to your theme.

    Video on iPhone: Since iPhone doesn’t support few specific types of?.mp4?formats, so video can not be played. You have to make sure that you are uploading correct video format.

    Other issue: Uploader button is working fine. Every dynamic changes have been preformed by?JS?and?JS?uses?CSSclasses/ids?to do that so removing some of it may cause the problem.



    Thread Starter Kir 2012


    Good morning,
    To test this I took an install of wordpress, buddypress and rtmedia (with no changes made anywhere at all to the plugin or styles or anything at all, just installed exactly as downloaded), child theme for ocean wp. Then I tested the post update box with all types active, so that’s music, video and photo options all activated, and this always works fine to call camcorder.

    However, if I deactivate music type (just as it is set up on my other, original install where I bumped into this problem), I get exactly the same result, it immediately doesn’t work to call camcorder anymore on the phone. Not iphone as you mention above, but android.

    So this is not to do with the styles on the install, or plugins, none of this applies on the test install.

    Are you able to re-create the issue by deactivating the music type to leave only photo and video, and then testing it again on mobile?

    Kind regards

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