• Resolved gamicord


    I feel a bit disappointed at how the plugin works.

    The reason is because it still operates like a normal WordPress Post.

    The second thing wrong with the plugin, is that Videos in the Gallery still open up as WordPress Single Posts, whose Content are the Videos we’ve put there.

    You see, this flow is very wrong. It is wrong because if I knew that this is how the plugin will operate, I won’t even give it a first look, nor a second look.

    And why is that?

    The reason is because, if I simply wanted a Post whose contents will be Videos, I can always create a Post Category called “Videos”.

    After which I could assign Featured Image, and that’s all.

    Then Create Child Categories under that Parent Category called Videos. And I can choose to display the Child Categories as my Video Categories.

    Then in Post creation, I can always embed URL Links of Youtube Videos, inside the Content Body as the Post Content, and these will open up as Single Post Pages with Videos in them.

    And when we click the Videos, they will always play.

    I can always use ACF to create a Custom Post Type called Videos. Then I can create Taxonomies for these Post Types, as well as Field Groups for this Custom Post Types.

    Then this will operate also, like normal WordPress Posts. But I will set the Featured item to require Video, or Video URL, and not Featured Image.

    In essence, your plugin has not done anything new and spectacular, that WordPress default doesn’t already give us.

    I expected that I should be able to create Videos as Posts with a Post Format of Video— which will not require me to upload Featured Image, but Featured Video or Video URL.

    In this way, Featured Video will be for Self Hosted Videos, while Featured URL will be for external files from Youtube and so on.

    2.) Then on the Video Gallery– when I click on the Video, it should not open a Video Single Page. It should rather start playing the Video on that same Page, in a Lightbox.

    While, if they click on the Title, that’s when it should open the Video Single Page.

    Hoping that you will look into this soon.


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  • Plugin Contributor wpvideogallery


    Thanks for writing to us. We really appreciate your thoughts. But, there seems to be a misunderstanding. Kindly check my replies below and let us know if you have different thoughts. We are always ready to hear from you.

    Q1. I expected that I should be able to create Videos as Posts with a Post Format of Video— which will not require me to upload Featured Image, but Featured Video or Video URL. In this way, Featured Video will be for Self Hosted Videos, while Featured URL will be for external files from Youtube and so on.

    This is already possible with our plugin.

    Kindly make sure that you add the videos using our plugin’s dedicated “Video Info” metabox section https://plugins360.com/all-in-one-video-gallery/add-your-first-video/

    So, when you add a YouTube/Vimeo/Dailymotion/Rumble URL, our plugin also auto generate images for them. So, you do not need to upload a featured image manually.

    But, generating images from the self hosted videos has some challenges. Luckily, our premium version can auto generate thumbnails for your self hosted videos with the help of FFMPEG. Please check https://plugins360.com/all-in-one-video-gallery/auto-thumbnail-generator/

    Q2. Then on the Video Gallery– when I click on the Video, it should not open a Video Single Page. It should rather start playing the Video on that same Page, in a Lightbox. While, if they click on the Title, that’s when it should open the Video Single Page.

    Yes, we do have a popup template that can open the videos in a popup on the same page. Kindly check our demo here https://demo.plugins360.com/popup/

    Also, there are few other template options those can display the videos on the same gallery page.


    We are also releasing a new version today in a few hours that supports the templates similar to the following demos,



    Additionally, the slider layout can open the videos in a popup. We are just working on this release, we will add more details about them on our website as soon as this version has been released.

    Hope this is what you need.

    But, these templates are available only in our premium version. There is also a TRIAL version that you can install to check them before going pro.

    After reading your post, I understand that our website doesn’t convey these details clearly. We will look into this immediately. We are always ready to hear from you. Please let us know if you have any other suggestions or opinions on this.

    Thread Starter gamicord


    Truly truly, I see that you’ve thought about what I was expecting.

    The problem I suppose, was that the documentation didn’t explain them well. And that’s why I didn’t understand these details clearly.

    With your beautiful reply, I think I understand better now.

    I will retain this plugin on my website. It’s is almost like the most useful Gallery Plugin in WordPress.


    This is a way to build a website like Youtube– https://joinpeertube.org/

    Here is a live sample of it– https://peertube.kaleidos.net/w/p/1tWgyJTt8sKbWwCEcBimZW

    2.) Would you consider expanding your plugin, so that it could later be used to create a Page within a website, that would operate like Youtube?

    This means that Admin and users, would be able to:

    2b.) Upload Audio/video files from the frontend.

    2c.) create Video Playlists.

    2d) Video Time Stamps.

    2e) Text Overlay.

    2f.) Social Sharing.

    2g.) Video Subtitles.

    2h.) Subscriptions, and so on.

    Could you somehow expand your plugin to be able to achieve these features later on?


    Plugin Contributor wpvideogallery


    Thanks for your reply. I really appreciate your suggestions and have taken note of them. Some of them are already on our TODO lists. To be honest, our TODO lists are quite large. So, I promise that we would have them all in the future but they require some time.

    2b) The front-end video submission is already possible. Please check https://plugins360.com/all-in-one-video-gallery/front-end-user-submission/

    2f) Social Sharing and 2g) Video Subtitles are already possible. Kindly check our DEMO here https://demo.plugins360.com/video/self-hosted-mp4/

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