Please download “banner.zip” file from the following link https://www.apptha.com/forum/files/banner.zip and unzip it. Now uninstall the videostream theme in your admin panel and install the new theme from the unzipped folder.
Then replace the “css” folder in the following path \wp-content\plugins\contus-video-gallery through your ftp.
Before going for the replacement, please take back up of your old files.
Now go to your admin -> Appearance -> Widgets -> Drag drop “Contus Banner Slideshow” Widget under “Banner Widget Area”.
Please refer the following link for your reference.
You can also refer the following link for your reference. https://www.apptha.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=91&t=1618&p=4032#p4032
Karthikeyani S,
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