• In my control panel, the “View Site” links are all to the wrong link.

    It gives for example, “https://[domain name]/Desktop/wordpress/wp-admin/https://[domain name]/wordpress

    (I’ve installed to “wordpress” folder on my domain.)

    Everything else works great as far as I can tell.

    Any ideas how I can fix this seemingly simple problem?

    Thank you

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  • Thread Starter liminal


    So… under Options, if the two are the same address, then it’s fine.

    Then the problem of the “View Site” link does not have to do with this.

    Ah…deductive reasoning.

    Thread Starter liminal


    I cannot edit my posts, too. Perhaps this has something to do with it?

    Thread Starter liminal


    I can always edit them in the database now that I know how to use it.

    But…yea, ok. Well, any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you very much,

    Same problem here as his original problem.
    “when both URI fields are filled out the same, I get double URLs in my links, example “https://www.wagnertech.net/blog/wagnertech.net/blog/”
    Now if I replace the Blog address (URI): field with a “.” “since it won’t let me leave it blank, the double URL problem goes away.
    However, this is not a true fix, and I believe my “(View site ??)” link, in the admin control panel, that is now taking me back to the admin panel, rather than the Blogs home page. Is a result of my dot in the “Blog address (URI): field” hack.

    Does this make what he is trying to resolve a bit more understandable?
    and by the way, how do we correct this problem correctly.

    Thanks in advance for your time
    Steve aka: High Octane :0)

    I fixed my above problem!
    I replaced the Blog address (URI): field “dot” with “/blog” since my url = https://www.wagnertech.net/blog/
    Sounds so simple after one figures it out

    Nice site, although your anti-right-click script is really annoying (and ineffective for that matter) BTW.

    I have removed the right click script, Thanks for letting me know. If only more people gave feedback, It would benefit eveyone who visits.

    I had a similar problem, when I clicked view site I got index file not found.

    It seems it was putting and additional / at the end of the view site link…

    I edited the bottom of admin-header.php to be
    <div id="wphead"><br />
    <h1><?php echo wptexturize(get_settings(('blogname'))); ?> <span>(“><?php _e(‘View site’) ?> &raquo;</a>)</span></h1><br />

    <div id="user_info"><?php printf(__(‘Gday, %s.’), $user_identity) ?> [<a href="<?php echo get_settings(‘siteurl’)<br />
    ?>/wp-login.php?action=logout" title=”<?php _e(‘Log out of this account’) ?>"><?php _e('Sign Out'); ?>, <a href=”profile.php”><?php _e(‘My Account’); `?>] </div>

    as you can see I also got rid of howdy because it really gave me the irrates..

    Hey, beeblebrox, thanks for the detailed info, might help another poor soul sometime (if search ever gets fixed *sigh*)…. and I’m with you on the “howdy” crap….

    Don’t forget to empty your cache (/wp-content/cache/). Your blog’s URL is cached and sometimes accidentally isn’t updated when you change it.

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