• Hi,

    Just some quick feedback on your theme and blocks. I am taking it for a test drive and overall I think it is very good. Just a few quibbles that relates generally to the block editor.

    The first is when working on settings for the different viewports. The editor should adjust to reflect what renders on the front page. Toolset are the only third party that I have seen so far to get this to work. So, for example, if you go to adjust the Toolset container and grid block in tablet format, the editor will stack what was columns to inline, if this is the grid configuration you have said.

    The other issue, again relating to the block editor is the drag and drop. It is still not as UX friendly as it should be. Using page builders I find that this manoeuvre is more accurate and less frustrating.

    I realise that some of the above depends on the Gutenberg dev team. I cringe that these issues are not addressed prior to getting exited about FSE.

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  • Hey,
    Thanks for your comments.

    I’ve been working on “hacking” in preview modes for Kadence Blocks. I’m close with the row block, columns settings are there, and the heading block will work that way. It very much requires a hack and the delay was mostly because I incorrectly thought the Gutenberg team would put effort into a good system and writing in all the hacks would be a poor use of my time. However, at this point, I’m just moving forward with the hacks.

    I agree the drag and drop in Gutenberg is not great. It’s unfortunately not something I control but if you have complex layouts this plugin can really help when moving things around https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/block-navigation/


    Thread Starter irishetcher


    Thanks Ben,

    I will have a look at that plugin you recommend. Though I try to follow best practice and install as few plugins as possible… it never works out that way. You know yourself.

    Good to hear you are working on the previews. Always the nagging feeling though that the Gutenberg team may come along later and suddenly introduce their own implementation which could mess up your solution or Toolset’s. It’s the one crib I have with the whole block editor project. They get so far and then get distracted by some other cool feature such as Full Site editing without covering all use cases that are set up on sites.

    One of these, which if you ever used Toolset to set up a custom post type with a prescribed set of custom fields, is data entry where the main editor is disabled and the user is forced to use what’s provided. All this is then dynamically presented with a template designed elsewhere. As it is with the new editor, the blocks, which are great for free form content creation, are dangerously, available to clients and end users. There should be a way to disable this editor area, even if it has to be done with a function or as a setting on the post type in the likes of Toolset. Like yourself I have resorted to a hack that is a function that activates css on the post type to hide the block editor. Probably not the best solution but it works. And, the curious question, with the classic editor flagged to be retired by the end of the year, where is the fancy new UI for WooCommerce products?

    Thread Starter irishetcher


    Just checked out the Block Navigation plugin. Makes moving stuff a far better experience.


    Thanks for the comments, sorry for the late response. I’m very confused by what the woocommerce team has done and focused on with Gutenberg. I would love a chance to talk with one of them and ask some why questions ?? As a developer having to support two markups for product loops is beyond my comprehension.


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