• Resolved paul buxbaum


    Virtual CPT named externallink is registered when Custom Post Type UI plugin is activated.

    Existing site w/ 5 custom post types (via functions.php) all functional. When Custom Post Type UI is installed / activated, a new CPT entry is presented in Custom Post Type UI (named “externallink”).

    Of the 5 existing CPTs, Custom Post Type UI plugin displays only 3 of 5, plus the virtual entry named “externallink”. There is some conflict between Custom Post Type UI and mysql DB. Deactivating Custom Post Type UI removes the WP Admin “externallink” entry from Dashboard.

    Without Custom Post Type UI installed, using the following code,
    foreach ( get_post_types( ”, ‘names’ ) as $post_type ) {
    echo ‘<p>’ . $post_type . ‘</p>’; }

    the following expected types
    (post,page,attachment,revision,nav_menu_item,acf-field-group,acf-field,advanced_ads) are displayed PLUS the 5 custom post types runtime.

    On a QA system, using a copy of the mysql DB, deactivating all plugins except Custom Post Type UI shows the same 3 of 5 custom post types and the “externallink” entry.

    On the same QA system, removing Genesis (and child theme functions.php ) and activating 2015 theme, Custom Post Type UI shows the same 3 of 5 custom post types and the “externallink” entry. And the WP Dashboard removes 2 of 5 custom post type entries. Switching back the Genesis (and child theme functions.php) adds back 5 custom post types, PLUS the “externallink” entry.

    A spurious effect and I thought I would report this.


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  • Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Hi Paul, I’m confused as to what the actual issue is here. The fact that there’s an “externallink” post type showing up whenever CPTUI is active?

    Assuming that’s the case, we don’t have any default post types included/imported/etc. The only way this could happen is if the site previously used CPTUI previously and had not deleted before removing the plugin.

    These are all WordPress core: post, page, attachment, revision, nav_menu_item.

    These two are Advanced Custom Fields: acf-field-group, acf-field

    Not sure what would be providing “advanced_ads”

    I have zero control over what’s created in the theme.

    Thread Starter paul buxbaum


    Thanks for the reply. There is no real issue

    Your reply reminded me that I used CPT 2 years ago to generate the code which still is resident and relevant in my child theme functions.php. And looking at mysql DB, I see 2 entries in wp_options table:

    which is generating 3 of 5 registered types, and the “externallink” entry when your plugin is activated, though ignores valid types registered via functions.php.

    Looks like your current plugin checks for legacy entries in wp_options in addition to the current keys cptui_taxonomies and cptui_post_types.

    Mystery resolved.

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Ah yeah, that makes sense ??

    With the release of version 1.0.0 a year and a half back, I found need to convert the old settings to new options, to help prevent clashes due to indexed arrays, and I purposely don’t remove the old options at the same time, just in case. the cpt_custom_tax_types/cpt_custom_post_types are the old ones. We also only focus on ones from our plugin these days.

    Glad we got it worked out, Paul. Thanks.

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