• Hi!

    First of all thanks a lot for your nice plugin! I just installed it in our multisite and realized that the functionality is only available to Admins. Are there any way for authors (non admins) to create their own tables and have access to just the tables they created? Just wondering ?? Thanks for your support

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  • Salam n Hola

    I had to edit the plugin source code from

    	public function add_menu_items() {
    		$this->page_hook = add_menu_page( __('Table Maker', 'wpsm-tableplugin'), __('Table Maker', 'wpsm-tableplugin'), 'manage_options', $this->page_slug, array($this, 'print_page'), $this->base_url . "/img/icon.png" );


    	public function add_menu_items() {
    		$this->page_hook = add_menu_page( __('Table Maker', 'wpsm-tableplugin'), __('Table Maker', 'wpsm-tableplugin'), 'edit_posts', $this->page_slug, array($this, 'print_page'), $this->base_url . "/img/icon.png" );

    The lines above are in the
    => table-maker/inc/class-wpsm-table-maker.php

    I just changed the word “manage_options” to “edit_posts”.

    The change allows Table Maker to be accessed by users who can edit posts.

    I hope this helps.

    Thread Starter thisismyway


    Hi Kodeexii!

    This was really very helpful!! Thanks a lot!! Now I just need to figure out how to insert a code for the authors just being able to see the tables only created by them, instead of having access to all tables.
    But again thanks a lot for your answer and solution!! Very hepful!!! ??

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