• I have been using the plugin ShortStat for some time now. It really slows my entire site down… I have also tried https://www.activemeter.com … but my site takes too long to load.

    I was wondering what some of you use and would recommend. I would rather not have to pay anything for it ?? But maybe you will tell me that all the free ones are just not good…

    I am open to suggestions. Thanks.

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  • google analytics

    I personally started using Slim stat.

    google analytics isn’t accepting any new sites, last time I checked.

    Do you have access to the web logs ? If you do, then awstats is pretty good.

    Thread Starter p3bundles


    miklb – I like the look of Slim Stat … and I can even migrate my ShortStat data to it… one question: will it slow me down considerably when I am posting?

    VaamYob – I just checked the awstats and I like them too. The only problem is that I can’t see drill down detail in terms of IP address… was it someone surfing from a government office or from an insurance company?

    I’m not aware of any slow down. I also use awstat, as well as a few other stats packages my host provides. I just like the interface of slim stat. Especially for a quick snapshot.

    I’m not sure what you’re looking for. In my awstats, it shows:


    rr.com is an ISP, so I’m guessing it’s someone’s broadband connection;

    further down, I see:


    I’m guessing it’s some bored soldier at Edwards Air Force Base;

    I also see:


    which is probably some kid at the school library;

    lastly, I see:


    which looks like a corporate router/firewall.

    Moderator James Huff


    ShortStat slows down once the database reaches a certain size. If you want to keep ShortStat, there was a script (probably _killprevious.php) which was included to remove stats from the database which had been recorded over the previous months. If you run that script, you should notice a speed increase.

    Personally, I was such a fan of ShortStat, that I “upgraded” to Mint.

    Unfortunately, Mint does cost $30. I felt that it was worth it, but you may not agree. Fortunately, there is a rather large list of free statistic plugins here:


    just a fyi macmanx, and anyone else reading, slim stat is a fork of short stat, and a quite nice one at that.

    Wow, mint looks pretty nice.

    It’s a good alternative to google’s offering.

    Moderator James Huff


    slim stat is a fork of short stat

    Then I sure hope that SlimStat isn’t using any of Shaun’s copyrighted ShortStat code.

    ::Edit:: Whoops, never mind. ShortStat was released under the GPL.

    Thread Starter p3bundles


    Mint is pretty cool.
    I will first try awstats and will test slim stat as well.

    Thanks for all the help and feedback!

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