• Hi!

    I use the latest theme and Worpress and plugins. I tested all plugins one by one maybe it has a problem…

    The problem is that, I can’t use WPBakery Page Builder: If I add a new element or I open old one I just see in the CONTENT filed these short codes for example (and I can’t edit the element):

    [vc_column width=”1/1″][mk_edge_slider first_el=”true” slides=”24636,25542″ order=”ASC” orderby=”title” full_height=”true” height=”2000″ animation_effect=”perspective_flip” animation_speed=”716″ slideshow_speed=”7998″ direction_nav=”false” parallax=”false” edge_slider_loop=”true” edge_slider_hash=”false”][/vc_column]

    I use WPBakery Page Builder (Modified Version) 5.4.5 version: “To receive automatic updates license activation is required. Please visit settings to activate your WPBakery Page Builder.”

    For testing on aldomain I use the same theme, and the WPBakery Page Builder has also a problem. I can’t edit my website just in calssic mode. I checked the prefix, but they all diferent ecah othet. What is the problem?

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