• When I upgraded to 2.8.2, I lost the visual editor (it’s either blank or it shows HTML). After laboriously disabling/enabling plugins, no go. I finally found the line to add to wp-config.php:

    define( ‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false );

    That seemed to work. Now that I’m on 2.8.4, I’ve lost the visual editor again — but only on one machine. Unfortunately, it’s the one where the person needs the visual editor to work, since they don’t know HTML.

    I’ve done the disabling plugins thing again — no change. The concatenate_scripts setting is still in wp-config.php. I’ve cleaned the cache and authenticated sessions, and removed the WP cookies multiple times. The person is an admin user. The Use Visual Editor box is checked (and unchecked and checked again).

    This happens on Firefox, and also on Internet Explorer 7 (shudder). The first time I brought a page up in IE7, it showed the visual mode. I walked away feeling good, but my wife told me it failed as soon as she did something with it, and now it won’t show the visual mode again.

    One odd thing: in looking at the WordPress cookies on the problematic machine, it shows some cookies that aren’t on the fully-working machine. On my machine, it shows cookies for ‘lastpost’, wp-settings-1, wordpress_logged_in (and some other wordpress_$^@#& gobbledygook cookies), wp-settings-time-1, and __utmz and __utma.

    On the problematic machine, there is an extra cookie that shows up after wiping out all WP cookies and logging in again: wordpress_test_cookie.

    There is one heavily edited page in particular that doesn’t work, whereas other pages (randomly checked) seem to be fine most of the time.

    The Visual editor shows 1 of 2 things:

    1. It sometimes shows HTML.
    2. It sometimes appears to be blank, although little red underlines show up (from a spell check). I discovered that dragging across the visual editor pane with the mouse actually highlights the HTML — it’s just invisible, but it’s still there. But it’s still only showing HTML, not the visual view.

    Any ideas on how to move past this? Is it time to move back to 2.7? I’ve had problems like this on 3 installations since 2.8, and clients are starting to complain.

    Thanks for any help!

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  • I’m seeing the same issue: blank field when trying to type into HTML editor, unable to choose visual editor. Happens on two different computers (Firefox 2.0 on Mac OS 10.3.9 and Firefox 3.5.2 on Mac OS 10.4.11). Seems to be specific to Firefox. If I use Safari, the editor works fine.

    Interesting. I’m not seeing that problem– Slackware 12, Firefox 3.5.2.

    I have also lost the visual editor on one of my three websites.

    I’ve read the various threads on this and tried the suggestions but nothing works. I’ve gutted my website of all plugins, emptied the cache a gazillion times and tried adding suggested hacks (and have carefully removed them when they didn’t work). Since upgrading, I’ve had to gut my site because of all the problems and will have to completely rebuild it now.

    I’m using firefox 3.5.2 have deleted most of my plugins on that too to see if it helps. It doesn’t.

    I’m desperate for a fix on this. Any NEW ideas?

    See this link

    I followed the things to try carefully. What worked for me was to:
    1. Delete wp-admin and wp-includes directories and upload fresh copies from a new(important) install package.
    2. Clear Browser cache.

    Interestingly, I tested after only doing #1 above and the visual editor was still messed up and I couldn’t select HTML editor. Once I cleared the browser cache, everything worked as it should. (Doing #2 alone first, did not remedy the problem).

    Good luck,
    – John

    I tried deleting wp-admin and wp-includes and uploading new copies. That crashed my whole website. It took me all day plus help from bluehost tech support to restore old version.

    Now I”m back to just not having a visual editor working. It works fine on my other two websites. I’ve tried different themes and deactivating all plugins and everything else suggested here. Any NEW ideas?

    I just came across this exact same problem. The thing is, I thought I busted it somehow ‘coz I just moved my install from one server to another. About to try newittja’s solution to see if that works for me, otherwise there was a really random post somewhere that I googled which mentioned something about a PHP setting – I’ll have to go back and find that again…

    Erk. OK I just did a cache clear and everything worked fine again! Nothing else, just cache clear.

    Sorry, I also re-uploaded the contents of the wp-includes and wp-admin folders, although I took it from my previous install, not a fresh one.

    Have you tried:

    – deactivating all plugins to see if this resolves the problem? If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find the problematic plugin(s).

    – switching to the default theme to rule out any theme-related problems?

    resetting the plugins folder by FTP or phpMyAdmin? Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems.

    – reading https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/279132?

    – disabling Google Gears if you have that running/installed within Firefox?

    I haven’t seen any new ideas here. I did a complete reinstall of wordpress with no plugins and only the original theme. The problem remains.

    A possibly related problem is that when I try to install new plugins or themes, I get an odd split screen, with the install information at the bottom and cut in half – just enough for me to press install but not enough to read the info.

    I’m working around the lack of a visual editor by using Dean’s FCKEditor but don’t know how long that will keep up with wordpress upgrades etc. It would be nice to fix the original problem.

    By any chance are any of you on Windows? It appears that the zip capabilities built into Windows has problems with unzipping.

    I discovered this after comparing the contents of the following directory with the contents of the zip file:

    My installation has fewer files in the above directory than than the zip file contains. My guess is that Windows has problems with the wp-tinymce.js.gz file.

    Once I replaced the missing files, my install started working again.

    Hi,.. lizenslin
    having same problem too after upgrade to 2.8.4.
    i’m using Web Developer 1.1.8 add-ons on FF-3.5.2. after Clear Private Data and point to Cache i’m getting my visual editor get back to work.

    Has this been resolved?

    I have 2 blogs, both running on 2.8.4…
    Both had the problem of visual editor not showing…

    I did a “re-upgrade” through TOOLS > UPGRADE option, and shockingly, one blog now has the visual editor and another doesn’t… Tried it a few times, and same results… Cleared my cache, tried IE, doesn’t help…

    Running on Firefox 3.5.3 – one blog works after re-upgrade, another doesn’t…

    When will this be fixed?????

    I fixed it for now by disabling the “ShareThis” plugin

    lizenslin are you still having this problem?
    If so, see this thread: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/279476

    Suggestions there have worked for a lot of people.

    There could also be something in your .htaccess file, or the .htaccess file in the directory above your WordPress install which has something in it which is messing this up. Try temporarily renaming your .htaccess files while you work on this. It will disable permalinks to do this, so if you want them, you’ll need to enable them again.

    I’m newer to using WordPress but have been having this same problem with just one particular post. All other posts are fine. And, of course, I could originally see the content in Visual mode since I don’t usually work in HTML.

    By the way, I’m on a Mac using Safari, but the same thing is happening using Windows running IE.

    Copying the HTML into a brand new draft post makes it show up fine in that new draft. I’m tempted to copy and paste the draft content back into the original problem post and see what happens (so I can keep all the comments intact), but am worried I’ll lose the whole post.

    I don’t see how any of the cache clearing or other tips would matter since every other post is showing up fine in the Visual editor, and the same content in the new draft shows fine. Seems buggy, and I’d love to hear from someone at WordPress… Any ideas?


    I am having the same problem. I have 3 sites with the same plug-in installed. Only one site is doing this and on this site only one page (home Page) is showing HTML in both visual and HTML tabs.My other sites are fine and are using the samr everything. I am wondering if a certain type of theme is conflicting with one of the plug-ins?

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